Vol. 3 (2023): Vol.3 (2023): National Seminar - Human Rights Friendly Cities III "Democracy and Human Rights"

Human Rights (HAM) and democracy are conceptions of humanity and social relations
born from the history of human civilization throughout the world. The concept of human rights and democracy in its development is closely related to the concept of the rule of law. In a legal state, it is actually the law that governs, not humans. The aim of the Indonesian state as a formal legal state has the consequence that the state is obliged to protect all its citizens with laws, especially protecting their human rights for the sake of the welfare of life together. As a rule of law (rechtstaat), Indonesia is currently facing very serious legal and social justice issues. Law and social justice seem like two poles that are separate from each other, not approaching each other. Legal justice for society, especially the poor in this country, is an expensive item. Legal justice is only owned by people who have political and economic power and access. Meanwhile, it is very difficult for weak or poor people to gain access to legal justice and they often become victims of unfair law enforcement.
Seeing how important Human Rights and Democracy are for every individual, hereby the Faculty
Law University 17 August 1945 Surabaya held a Human Rights Friendly City Seminar with
raising the theme "Democracy and Human Rights" in this seminar will discuss
fulfillment of rights for each individual in various fields. This seminar will discuss this in more depth
on Democracy and Human Rights which will be accompanied by experts in their fields from the DPRD
East Java Province, East Java Bawaslu, as well as Deputy Chair of the East Java Province Journalists Association.