Potret Suram terhadap Penanganan Pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia Paniai


  • Muhamad Secha aulia Universitas 17 agustus 1945
  • Jodhy kurnianto Jodhy kurnianto


Human Rights, Paniai, Handling, Violation


Human Rights itself is a right that is obtained and owned by every human being since he was born into the world as a gift that has been given by God. With these rights humans should be able to develop and achieve goals in carrying out a life in this world. In this case, each individual and as well as the state, have a role in their own duties towards the implementation of human rights. The state has a responsibility towards the obligation to ensure that human rights themselves have a role for every society, namely in getting respect, protection, fulfillment and promotion. The large number of cases of human rights violations that have occurred in Indonesia, of course, has led to increased attention being paid to the handling of these cases. In Indonesia, the handling of cases of human rights violations has been fought for since the reform era. Various kinds of good efforts are being made by the government, even in community organizations and also non-governmental organizations, even though in reality the results are still very far from what the Indonesian people have hoped for. Various kinds of efforts to protect human rights are being initiated and have started to run until now. As for the government, it should be stricter to the perpetrators of these violations. One of the cases of human rights violations that occurred in Indonesia is the case of violations that occurred in the Papua region, namely Paniai. In order to defend and maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, the Indonesian government has issued various policies.


