Dinamika Hak Kebebasan Berpendapat dalam Platform Sosial Media Ditinjau dalam Perspektif Hukum dan HAM


  • Ariana Herawati Mahasiswa
  • Tuti Hutagalung


freedom of expression on social media is misinterpreted


The development of science in the era of globalization is growing increasingly rapidly, especially in the fields of technology and information. With the presence of the internet, there are many facilities that make everyday life easier. With the internet, our lives today have shifted to a virtual world that is mostly online. Social media is a platform where we can create and share on social networks. The emergence of social media serves to increase connectivity, accessibility and visibility. The presence of social media adds new ideas for business people to develop their business through social media. However, on social media now many people misunderstand freedom of opinion as being able to do whatever they want as long as it is within the context of their opinion. So gradually freedom of opinion on social media is often misused, giving rise to legal problems on social media or commonly known as cyber crime.


