Kekerasan dan Penyerangan Warga di Taman Sari dalam Perspektif HAM


  • Elysa Dwi Meilina Universitas 17 Agustus 1945
  • Kristoforus Laga Kleden


Violence, Attack, Human Rights



Violence and assault are crimes that are spread globally, with a significant increase every year. This crime knows no age or gender boundaries, negatively impacting the physical, mental and emotional health of victims. Apart from that, violence and attacks are also violations of Human Rights (HAM). Incidents of violence and attacks on residents in Taman Sari reflect an increase in violence that is detrimental to the basic rights of individuals in the neighborhood. This research aims to analyze the case from a human rights perspective, identify the violations that occurred, and assess the legal response taken. The scope of research includes the psychological, physical and social impacts on victims, as well as the sustainability of legal responses to perpetrators. It is hoped that the research results will contribute to improving human rights protection for the population and emphasize the urgency of applying fair laws in similar situations. This research uses normative methods to analyze violent incidents in Taman Sari, with a qualitative approach and literature study to identify related legal aspects. The findings show indications of human rights violations by an unknown group of people, allegedly related to the PT Sartonia Agung row house project. These attacks resulted in physical damage to residents and human rights defenders, as well as verbal sexual harassment. This incident adds to the list of attacks on human rights defenders and paralegals, highlighting the importance of law enforcement and human rights protection in the context of evictions and land conflicts in Indonesia

Keywords: Violence, Attack, Human Rights.


