Tinjauan Hukum terhadap Diskriminasi Agama dalam Tempat Tinggal Berbasis Agama di Indonesia


  • Jordan Abisha Siregar Universitas 17 Agustus Surabaya
  • Rhido Hendriyanna Widagdo


Protection, Human Rights, Discrimination, Religion, Housing


This research provides an in-depth legal review of the issue of religious discrimination within the context of religious-based housing in Indonesia. Focusing on the concept of segregation and access to religion-based housing, the study aims to identify issues related to discrimination in the pursuit of housing associated with religious beliefs. A normative legal analysis method is employed to examine the existing legal foundations, including legislation, regulations, and practices concerning legal protection for individuals or groups subjected to discrimination. The findings illustrate the complexity of religious discrimination issues in religious-based housing and demonstrate that the concept of segregation plays a pivotal role in determining access to housing for religious minorities in Indonesia. The analysis also considers the effectiveness and implementation of available legal protections in addressing cases of religious discrimination.The outcomes of this research provide a deeper understanding of the legal challenges faced by individuals or groups experiencing religious discrimination in seeking housing. The implications underscore the necessity for stronger law enforcement, inclusive policies, and public education to create a fair housing environment, free from religious-based discrimination, and grounded in the principles of human rights.


