Performance, evaluation, programAbstract
Given the current social dynamics and community needs, the government of East Java has an important role to play in improving the welfare of the community. However, government organizations often face difficulties in obtaining funds to carry out their programs. Therefore, the East Java Provincial Government, through the People's Welfare Bureau of the Provincial Secretariat, provides grants to support the activities of community organizations. Grants are gifts in the form of money, goods or services provided by the government or regional government with a specific purpose. From the Home Affairs Regulation No. 23/2011, it is explained that the local government not only acts as a distributor of grant funds, but also as a driver of sustainable social development in East Java Province. In providing grants and social assistance, the government pays attention to the principles of equity, compliance, rationality, transparency, accountability, and benefit to the community. The evaluation of the subsidy program provided by the East Java Provincial Government through the People's Welfare Bureau includes an analysis of the effectiveness and efficiency of the program implementation. The evaluation may include measuring the achievement of goals and objectives set in the Grant Assistance Program, as well as identifying successes and obstacles in its implementation. The strategic plan allows for the evaluation of overall government performance using predetermined performance indicators. In addition, key performance indicators can be used to evaluate individual or job performance in achieving the goals set out in the performance improvement policy.
Keyword : Performance, Evaluation, Program
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