
  • Ayu Puspita Nur Aini sari
  • Endang Indartuti Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya


pelyanan publik, dinas perpustakaan dan kearsipan, sampang


The aim of the internship activities carried out at the Sampang Regency Library and Archives Service is to provide new knowledge such as managing services in the Library and Archives sector in Sampang Regency and to provide experience regarding the real world of work, so that after carrying out the internship activities it can provide future benefits to when entering the world of work later, because experience is actually something that is really needed in the scope of work. The internship activities carried out at the Sampang Regency Library and Archives Service use the methods of active participation, observation and documentation. This method was chosen to complete the data required in preparing the internship report. The program results from internship activities start from preparation and then implementation. In carrying out work, interns carry out their work areas as best as possible. Internship activities provide very valuable experience for writers where the knowledge gained after carrying out the internship is very useful so that it shapes the writer's personality to be better prepared to enter the world of work in the future..


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