Kekerasan di Desa Wadas oleh Aparat yang Menggunakan Pakaian Sipil


  • Naufal Rafi Sadad Putra Ramadhan Sadad Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
  • Haskey Ardiansyah Untag
  • Nahar Untag
  • Ivan Untag
  • Viky Untag


Human Rights, citizens' rights


The conflict between officials and residents of Wadas Village regarding residents’ rejection of andesite mining to build a dam in Wadas Village, Bener District, Purworejo Regency, Central Java, is a reflection of the conflict between the interests of infrastructure development and environmental protection and community rights. Residents rejected the project because they were worried about the negative impact on water sources, agricultural land, livelihoods and the risk of landslides in Wadas Village. On September 16 2021, the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) received the complaint and carried out direct monitoring in the field, asked for information from various parties, and tried to find a solution that respects human rights. Through direct monitoring and gathering information on 28-29 September 2021, Komnas HAM RI attempted to understand in depth the chronology of the events that occurred and their impact on society. Under the leadership of Commissioner Beka Ulung Hapsara and Human Rights Monitor Dyah Nan, the Indonesian National Human Rights Commission continues to monitor developments in this case and emphasizes the importance of fulfilling citizens’ rights. The Republic of Indonesia’s National Human Rights Commission emphasizes the need to prioritize humanitarian principles and respect human rights in every action and policy made. The role of the Indonesian National Human Rights Commission in resolving this conflict emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance for development and protecting the environment and community rights as the basis for sustainable and just development.


