14 Siswi di Lamongan di Gunduli oleh Guru karena tak Pakai Ciput
Human Rights, Deforestation, Junior High School StudentsAbstract
Human rights are one of the normative elements that have been possessed by every person since he was born and has also been attached to every human being as his own nature, in essence the application of this concept of human rights is along with the right to equality and the right to freedom between individuals or agencies in their interactions. Human rights or human rights exist without having to be recognized by other people, the community or the country.
The deforestation carried out by the teacher was triggered because the students who were stripped because they did not wear ciput so they were punished by being stripped using a shaver, but there were no regulations on the use of ciput in the school. After the incident occurred, mediation was carried out which was attended by the victim's guardian. The perpetrator, an English teacher, has been withdrawn and coached to the Lamongan education office.
In this research, various data sources were used, including using academic journals, as well as collecting information related to this.
Keywords: Human Rights, Deforestation, Junior High School Students
HAM ialah salah satu unsur normatif yang telah dimiliki oleh setiap orang sejak ia telah dilahirkan dan juga telah melekat pada setiap manusia sebagai kodratnya sendiri, pada hakikatnya penerapan konsep HAM ini bersamaan dengan hak persamaan dan hak kebebasan antar para individu ataupun instansi dalam interaksinya. HAM atau Hak Asasi Manusia ini ada tanpa harus adanya pengakuan dari orang lain, Masyarakat atau pun negaranya.
Penggundulan yang dilakukan oleh guru tersebut dipicu karena siswi-siswi yang digunduli sebab tidak memakai ciput sehingga mereka dihukum dengan cara digunduli menggunakan mesin cukur, tetapi tidak ada peraturan dalam pemakaian ciput di sekolah tersebut. Setelah peristiwa terjadi, dilakukannya mediasi yang dihadiri oleh wali murid korban. Pelaku yakni seorang guru bahasa inggris telah ditarik dan dilakukan pembinaan ke dinas pendidikan Lamongan.
Pada penelitian ini menggunakan berbagai sumber data, termasuk juga menggunakan jurnal akademis, serta mengumpulkan informasi-informasi yang berkaitan dengan hal ini.