Jaminan Atas Kesehatan Bagi Masyarakat Adat Yang Terkendala Pada Fasilitas Transportasi
adat community, public health, transportation facilitiesAbstract
Adat community around the world, especially in Indonesia are face a massive problem. This phenomenon refers to the government's willingness to recognize rights and their existence, and how to maximize them.This article deals with issues related to the health of adat community who are constrained by transportation facilities. At this stage, many adat community find it difficult to seek treatment because the hospital is far from where the adat community are.The first party responsible for this is the government, which must work extra to maximize the health insurance for adat community in Indonesia. This article will explain the obstacles faced by adat community due to transportation facilities and the government's obligation to fulfill all rights/guarantees of adat community as referred to in Article 18B paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution. This article will end with a conclusion that aims to fulfill rights and guarantees of adat community.
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