Pemenuhan Hak Atas Air Bersih Bagi Masyarakat Di Indonesia
water, Ecoosob Convention, human lifeAbstract
Water is one of the assets of human life. If these assets are reduced or depleted, it is certain that humans cannot continue their lives. This rationale produces a mindset in positioning water as a source of life. Water is indispensable in human life for various needs, especially clean water for households, industry, and public places. Water is the main resource of human life. The right to water, which is a human right, is enshrined in Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning Health. The right with regard to clean and healthy water has quite a broad dimension, namely the environment and human rights. Therefore, regulations are needed so that the right to clean water can be fulfilled. This water is a human right that is also a staple in the welfare of human life. Recognition of human rights is believed to be 2 things, namely those who recognize water as an important need and think about access to water use. The fulfillment of clean water is based on Law no. 36 of 2009.