Perlindungan Diskriminasi Terhadap Penyandang Disabilitas Dalam Serikat Kerja
Workers, Discrimination, Persons with disabilitiesAbstract
This article discusses Discrimination Protection Against Persons with Disabilities in Trade Unions. In writing this article, it is necessary to protect people with disabilities in the world of work, because a person with a disability has the right to have the same position as other workers, which can be called non-disabled workers. The convention explains that each individual has the right to freely associate with others, and also has the right to form and join a labor union group in order to protect his interests. As for Article 28D paragraph (2) of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia also explains that every individual has the right to get a job with the same income and behavior in a work area. For this reason, people with disabilities have rights without any differences in the world of work in the absence of discrimination. Because protection and welfare in human life must be created properly in order to fulfill the rights that exist in humans without discrimination. Here the government's role is very important in protecting discrimination against disabilities, especially in the world of work so that harmony is always created between workers. In the Labor Law no. 13 of 2003 also explains if the company is allowed to employ people with disabilities in their companies based on the suitability of a person with a disability. Until now, people still think that people with disabilities are considered incapable or even incapable of doing work because they do not have normal physical abilities and are often considered to lack knowledge. This is indeed very necessary for intervention from the government in a legal protection to avoid discrimination against a person with a disability in the world of work
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