Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Pekerja Perempuan Hamil Menurut Undang-Undang HAM Dengan Konvensi Ilo



female worker, legal protection, reproduction


Problems in employment are currently still a matter of discussion. The minimum guarantee of health, as well as safety and all reproductive rights for workers, especially women is one of the causes for the occurrence of various kinds of problems that exist in a field of employment. The workers themselves as workers in a company still often get discriminatory actions carried out by the leadership of the company, this example will trigger the emergence of rights and obligations that must and must be accepted by workers from a company, especially women. reproductive rights for workers, especially women and also the obstacles that will be faced in the implementation of protection for safety, then health and also reproductive rights for female workers. Legal protection for health, safety and reproductive rights in its implementation which is generally In general, it is appropriate, such as the example of social security that has been given to workers, especially women, in its implementation of the protection of health, safety and reproductive rights for female workers, and from the government side, there is weak supervision from the public. entrepreneurs or company leaders who several times have violated the rules just for the benefit of the company. From the part of the workforce, especially women, this is the lack of understanding of a statutory regulation when there have been a violation of thee rights possessed as a worker.


