Hak Tunawisma Untuk Mendapatkan Tempat Tinggal Berdasarkan Konvensi Hak Eknomi
ecosob convention, homelessAbstract
The right to adequate housing is part of the economic, social and cultural rights contained in the Ecosob Convention. A review of the conventions on housing shows that there is a problem with this right as well as shows that the state has a role to play in addressing the issue of its fulfillment for the homeless. Government programs have not been fully realized effectively considering the level of economic capacity of most Indonesians is still low. This paper aims to discuss the role of the state in paying attention to one aspect of the right to housing, namely affordability. Affordability should not overlook the aspect of decent housing. The issue of decent housing as a human right must take precedence over the issue of housing as a commodity. The obligation to fulfill this right rests with the state and is carried out by the government. According to the ecosob convention, the state is obliged to provide housing to the nation.
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