Alternative Penjatuhan Hukuman Mati Di Indonesia Di Lihat Dari Konvensi HAM


  • Muhamad Dela Dwi Mustofa Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya


Death Penalty, Human Rights, Criminal Law


The reason for this examination is to break down the inconvenience of capital punishment comparable to basic liberties and criminal law. The examination was directed utilizing juridical-regularizing law research. The outcomes showed, first, the issue of capital punishment, there are different perspectives on the musings of legitimate specialists. Second, capital punishment in the perspective on common liberties contained in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, and Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Basic freedoms tries to embrace the Unified Countries Common liberties contract to nullify capital punishment. Third, in the Criminal Code and a few laws and guidelines in Indonesia, the danger of capital punishment is as yet kept up with, notwithstanding analysis from common freedoms activists, in view of that in the new Draft Criminal Code there is a sort of give and take (punishment). strategy), by making capital punishment not as a central wrongdoing but rather as an elective discipline which is dealt with just for exceptional violations.


