Perlindungan Terhadap Pedagang Kaki Lima Yang Terkena Penertiban oleh Aparat Satpol PP dalam prespektif HAM



Human Rights, Street Vendors, jobs, decent living


Everyone needs a job to earn income, for everyone a job is a source of income to meet their daily needs for themselves and their families. by having a job everyone will feel their life is more independent, more comfortable and calmer. Therefore, the right to work is a human right inherent in a person who must be respected. The importance of work for everyone has been reflected in Constitution which states that every Indonesian citizen has the right to work and a decent living for humanity, In the constitution, the Indonesian government is obliged to provide sufficient employment opportunities for its citizens. The point of view of small traders is mostly seen from the level of disturbance caused because they are considered disturbing and hindering traffic flow, disturbing the beauty of an area, even considered polluting the environment. However, this point of view must be more objective, that small traders have become a source of invaluable profit because they are able to accommodate a large number of workers and provide commensurate welfare.


