Pengimplementasian Jaminan Sosial Terhadap Tenaga Kerja Menurut Konvensi Ekosob
social Security, human right, social security systemAbstract
The fulfillment of human rights is a basic right of the people as stated in the ECOSOB convention Law No. 12 of 2005. Social security is a form of fulfillment of human rights for workers. Social security for workers has been regulated in legal regulations, which began during the colonial era of the Dutch East Indies until the era of Indonesian independence (from the early independence era to the reform era). At the beginning of the Dutch East Indies colonialism, social security for workers was regulated in the Civil Code, but the Civil Code alone could not protect workers during the colonial period. After the beginning of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, new laws and regulations concerning social security for workers were ratified, namely Law No. 3 of 1992, Law No. 24 of 2011 concerning the Social Security Administering Body and Law No. 40 of 2004. About the National Social Security System.