Program Sekolah Ramah HAM Sebagai Wujud Perlindungan Kekerasan Terhadap Siswa
Human Rights, Human Rights Friendly Schools, ViolenceAbstract
School is where the life of the nation is taught. In the obligation to fulfill the right to education of Indonesian citizens, schools are the basis for carrying out these obligations. The right to education is also a constitutional mandate, besides that schools are also part of human rights. Education is carried out in a non-discriminatory manner by upholding the human rights of the nation's pluralism, religious values, cultural values, and is carried out in a just and democratic manner. This is stated in the National Education Law (UU No 20/2003) article 4 paragraph. The purpose of human rights-based education is a form of learning process that is carried out by protecting and respecting human rights between teachers and students. Taman Siswa's teachings teach the main principles, namely nationality, cultural values, religious values, nature. Humanity, and independence. The rise of cases of acts of violence that occur in schools between students, bullying, even to acts of crime that cause casualties among students at school, the dissemination of human rights values in schools is one form of how to instill values and principles of human rights. humans from an early age.