Perlindungan HAM Dalam Penanganan Covid 19 Di Indonesia


  • Isyak Pancoro Putro Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya


Human Rights Protection, Covid 19 Handling


Protection of Human Rights (HAM) is an effort or effort to be able to provide a protection for the community from an act carried out arbitrarily by the authorities where the action does not reflect the rule of law, in order to create an order and comfort in order to provide Humans have a dignity and worth as a human being. The legal correlation always gives rise to rights and obligations that are intertwined. rights of a party where one of them becomes an obligation of the other party or vice versa. As the subject of the rule of law which has moved a task for service within a rule or scope of truth of the law. In essence, society actually has the right to be able to get a protection from the applicable legal norms. Article 28D paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution states that everyone has the right to recognition, guarantees, protection and fair legal certainty and equal treatment before the law. And Article 27 paragraph (1) of Law no. 36/2009 concerning Health, it is written that health workers are entitled to compensation and legal protection when carrying out their duties in accordance with their profession. In the uncertainty of an assumption, experts regarding when the Covid-19 pandemic disaster will end, which has made economic activity or economic markets suffer the impact of many estimates and uncertainties. Corona makes buying or selling transactions starting manually or cash on delivery the most basic and crucial thing in the pace of economic activity as the impact or impact of a PSBB policy. During the Corona virus pandemic, the spread of the virus is unstoppable and unstoppable, so it can be said that the majority of economic activities will have a major impact and will stop or will experience disruption.


