Hak Privasi Warga Sipil atas Penggeledahan Tanpa Surat oleh Aparat Penegak Hukum
Haidi Muslim
Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
Privacy Rights, Apparatus, Legal Protection
Abstracts For some people personal data is a sensitive matter. This personal data must get protection from the state because if it gets spread it will certainly harm the person concerned. Moreover, in Indonesia, personal data is often misused by irresponsible people for personal gain. Privacy rights is a part of human rights so it must be respected by others. This is of course a constitutional right of a country. If there is a violation, the state must act to give strict sanctions according to the applicable positive law. Ironically, law enforcement officers, namely the police, who actually protect the public from actions that violate human rights, especially the right to privacy, are the ones who commit these violations. The focus of this study aims to describe how this right to privacy must be respected by everyone, including law enforcement officers themselves. This research method uses a normative juridical approach by looking at it from the perspective of human rights. Therefore, in carrying out their duties, law enforcement officers must understand that aspects of human rights, especially the right to privacy, must be respected when dealing with civilians.