Hak Narapidana dalam Perspektif HAM


  • Ferrario M.H Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya


Prisioners, Regulation, Officers


This study aims to determine whether the regulation of prisoners' rights is in line with the principles of Human Rights (HAM). This research is a non-doctrinal legal research with a socio-legal type of research. Research data through document studies and interviews. The results show that the regulation of prisoners' rights is in line with the recognition, respect and protection of human rights, it can be seen in the regulation of prisoners' rights through applicable laws and regulations as well as international rules on human rights adopted and used in Indonesia, in line with the recognition, respect and protection of human rights. Prisoners' knowledge and awareness of their rights tend to be less comprehensive. Prisoners tend to only focus on fulfilling the right to receive visits, the right to remission, parole, and leave before being released. For the sake of these rights, prisoners try to behave well, do not want to find problems with fellow inmates or with officers, and tend to want to participate in all coaching activities even though there is an element of coercion due to routines and evaluations. The officer's knowledge of the rights of prisoners is quite good, they know what the rights of prisoners must be, although they do not memorize the details, it is necessary to improve facilities and infrastructure so that the fulfillment of prisoners' rights can be optimal.


