Perlindungan Hak Asasi Anak Jalanan Berdasarkan Pada Bidang Pendidikan Menurut Hukum Nasional dan Konvensi Internasional
Protection of Street Children's Rights, Education Sector, National Law and International ConventionsAbstract
Street children, however, have become a phenomenon that demands the attention of all parties. The existence of this research carries cases, namely: First, what are the forms and qualifications of violations of children's human rights in the field of learning, Second, how are the efforts and protection of the human rights of street children in the field of learning. The study procedure is a normative juridical procedure with the method of reviewing national legislation and international conventions related to children's human rights in the field of learning. The results of the research show that a form of violation of the rights of street children in the field of learning is an act of neglect by the government and includes the types of violence by omission which can be legally accountable to the government as a legal responsibility. The research uses a qualitative approach to literature study. Location of Legal Entities throughout Indonesia. The results of the study show that child protection should not be carried out excessively and pay attention to its impact on the environment and the child himself so that the protection efforts carried out do not have negative consequences. The conclusion of this study is that there is still a need for a paradigm shift in the concept of grouping human rights in the education sector, namely not following the concept of human rights which includes the right to education in groups.