Perlindungan Terhadap Hak Pekerja Perempuan di Indonesia
female worker, ILO Convention, protectionAbstract
Protection of women workers is a human right that must be obtained because it is related to the 1945 Constitution. This is because women workers have rights in human rights law contained in various human rights legal systems. The aproach used is the approach to legislation. Where in the international labor system, there is a system which aims to guarantee the basic rights of workers and ensure equality in employment opportunities. The position of the ILO in Indonesia is in acordance with Article 1 point 7 of Law no. 24 of 2000. The results of the study show that The rights of women workers contained in the ILO Convention consist of various protections for themselves and their families which in the convention must be fulfilled so that a woman gets her right to work and get protection. Every woman also has various special rights which are related to human rights and are protected by law. At the ILO convention which is a form of implementation of the protection of women workers which must be realized by holding the empowerment of women and the protection carried out by the government. Protecting human rights, which is an obligation, considering that legal protection is based on law. So that women's rights are obtained by carrying out various actions, one of which is the implemetation of the ILO convention.