Perlindungan Hak Terhadap Kelompok Minoritas Agama
minority groups, legal protection, religion, freedom of religionAbstract
The birth of human rights is considered very important as a form of embodiment in terms of the protection of rights and freedoms as well as the birth of someone who has the right to life, the right to freedom especially religion and the right to security. That everyone has the same rights before the law, both individuals and groups, minority and majority regardless of differences in terms of ethnicity, ethnicity, especially the beliefs held. It is clear in the first principle of Pancasila that there is an attitude of respect and respect for the freedom of every human being in choosing and embracing his religion freely. It is even reinforced as Article 28E paragraph 1 and Article 29 paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution. However, in practice minority groups are vulnerable to being victims of human rights violations. According to the legal research conducted, there are still violations in the form of blasphemy, discrimination, and genocide. Then the identification of issues that will be studied is the maintenance and fulfillment of the rights and freedoms of religious groups. The analytical method used is a normative juridical approach, research data is collected using a study of applicable laws and regulations and a literature study.