Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Tenaga Kerja Wanita Indonesia Yang Mengalami Pelecehan Seksual Dalam Perspektif HAM
Harrasment, Sexual, Migrant Workers, Human RightsAbstract
The most common migrant workers problem is sexual harassment. Sexual abuse is extraordinary crime that can cause trauma to the victim. Protection of victims of sexual abuse abroad must be done optimally. In the case of Indonesian workers as workers abroad, it seems that they do not know the final word starting from acts of violence, sexual harassment, wages, working hours, and rest periods that are not in accordance with the work agreement, and others that violate human dignity. This research aims to discuss the form and efforts of legal protection for the female workforece who experience sexual abuse in a human rights perspective. The results study are the protection of rights ti migrant workers has been regulated in positive regulation in Indonesia. This protection is also organized by teh National Commission against Violence Against Woman. Among the many requests for services that can be provided by female workers as Indonesian workers, in reality there are many risks in this type of work, mainly due to the lack of legal protection for female workers as Indonesian workers.
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