Mengorbankan HAM dan Demokrasi bukan sebuah alasan untuk Memaklumi Wabah Covid-19


  • Bima Cahyo Priasmoro Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya


Human Rights, Sacrifice, Covid-19, Corona Virus Disease


This article discusses several things that are violations of Human Rights and Democracy during the Corona Virus Disease 19 pandemic since last December 2019. What sacrifices have been made just to normalize the Corona Virus Disease pandemic? Many things have been victimized, some of which are the Right to the Highest Health Standards, services for the community to obtain PCR test services are still limited, The lack of state preparation and handling has an impact on the uncontrolled spread, transmission, and handling of COVID-19 in the community. Next is the Right to Information. Closing and denying information actually sends the wrong signal and direction to the public, reduces alertness, which can lead to widespread epidemic transmission and exacerbate disasters. Then there is also the Right to Freedom and expectations: the state and spreading fake news. This is a violation of human rights, all statements by citizens criticizing the government's treatment of COVID-19 are legal and protected by law. freedom of expression is an essential aspect and its application must be protected by the state.


