Jaminan Atas Hak Pendidikan Berdasarkan Konvensi Ekonomi, Social dan Budaya


  • Athaya Novita Andryanto Putri Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya


Human Rights, Education, Social Security System


The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ECOSOB Rights) which has been established by the United Nations General Assembly on December 16, 1966, as a binding rule for every State that is a member of the United Nations in the context of upholding human rights, and Indonesia as one of the a member state of the United Nations (UN) is bound by the International Covenant. Education is one of the accesses to welfare, and the enforcement of human rights comes from education, therefore the right to education is a human right to achieve prosperity and increase human dignity, therefore it must get guarantees and protection from the state for the rights of citizens. country in the field of education. This guarantee of the right to education can educate and improve the life and quality of human beings in Indonesia who master science, art and technology in realizing an advanced, just, prosperous, and civilized society based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The purpose and basis of education is a fundamental problem in the implementation of this education, meaning that the basis of this education will determine the style and content of education itself, the goals themselves will determine where the students will be taken. The fulfillment of guarantees for the right to education as a citizen's human right must be implemented progressively, such as implementing free education for the people, but the right to education is still underestimated, because of the weak management of the management of the low education budget, which is often an obstacle that is felt by many parties. However, after a fourth amendment was made to the 1945 Constitution, this right to education has become a state concern and is directly the responsibility of the state


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