
  • AMY FIRSTA DEWI Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya


Hak Asasi Manusia, Pelecehan Seksual, Pendidikan


Human rights show that every human being has the same degree of dignity. In the educational environment, there are more and more acts of human rights violations. In the world of education, bullying often occurs which is increasing year by year even bullying has penetrated the world of social media, and now it is rampant in the world of education, namely the crime of sexual harassment, whether in the form of education or non-formal. Victims of criminal acts of sexual harassment in the world of education are not only students but can also be experienced by high school, junior high, elementary and even kindergarten students, making their own worries for families and the educational environment.

Sexual harassment is often detrimental to women. However, there are still many victims of sexual harassment who still do not dare to report it because they are afraid or embarrassed to tell their family or relatives and there are still many who do not realize that they are late getting harassed either because they do not know or assume it is joking. Usually those who do not realize or do not know that they are being abused are kindergarten and elementary school students who do not really understand what is forbidden to be touched. How is the law enforcement of legal protection for victims of sexual harassment in the educational environment and then what is the role of educational institutions in the prevention and response to cases of sexual harassment in the educational environment

Most of the students who experienced acts of sexual harassment experienced a decrease in academic achievement at school, students became traumatized which made these students always afraid, easily suspicious of those around them, had a vindictive attitude and became closed to those around them and could even be closed to their own families. So that educational institutions and parents are obliged to give full and special attention in dealing with students who experience sexual harassment in order to be able to face the challenges they face. Educational institutions, schools are places where children socialize, formed into strong, tenacious, knowledgeable individuals. Childhood is very influential on the making of our attitude to life, both predicted now and in the future.


