Pemilihan Hak Politik Penyandang Disabilitas Dalam Pemilihan Umum



Hak Pilih, Penyandang  Disabilitas, Pemilihan Umum, Voting Rights, Persons with Disabilities, General Elections


With the enactment of Legal Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections included to Constitutional Page 42 of 2008 about Universal Elections for President and Vice President, there are differences in Journal 5 in the two regulations. The requirements in Journal 5 are not joined by an explanation of what conditions have to be met on Individual with disabilities, there are no respons of the requirements so that it raises the ask that these regulation are contrary of the 1945 Regualation of the Republic of Indonesia (UUD 1945). different or no by Constitutional Number 39 of 1999 (Human Rights Law) Journal 43, namely Every civilization has the nice to be election so to vote in general elections true on equal rights through vote in suitable on the clause of the laws and regulations. The type of study used in the arrangement of this journal is normative juridical. The come up using in the study is a Constitution come up and an analytical approach. Persons with disabilities being registered on the Special Voters List can be a way out so that individuals with disabilities can practice their claim to voinge.


