Hambatan Hak atas Pendidikan dan Kemajuan Pendidikan di Masa Pandemi Covid-19


  • Ahmad Sholihuddin Anzalil Haq Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya


Hambatan Hak, Pendidikan, Kemajuan Pendidikan, Masa Pandemi Covid-19


Virtual learning is a solution to reduce the spread of Covid-19, in its implementation, it expects the full role of educators in shaping the character of students to the maximum. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of learning, and character building of students during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method uses a literature review, along with the Covid-19 pandemic situation, this method limits researchers in collecting data. To find, reveal, develop and test the truth of the concepts, theories, and thoughts of the characters, a study of the literature relevant to the research topic is carried out in the form of books, dictionaries, documents and research journals that are the data sources. The results of the study found that there were still many parents who did not understand the pattern of parenting character education in children. Educators are still experiencing obstacles to effective implementation of character education in schools. Character education can be maximized if it is supported by the family because parents are a supporting factor in the success of character formation. The main locomotive in planting character education is parents, who need to teach, habituate, imitate, motivate, and discipline rules to develop children's character. The household becomes a strategic environment in the cultivation of self-awareness-based character education and can have a positive impact on all family members. The conclusion of the effectiveness of learning and character building will be realized by synergizing and collaboratively realizing effective learning.


