Proceeding of Undergraduate Conference on Literature, Linguistic, and Cultural Studies 2024-08-06T14:14:42+00:00 Muizzu Nurhadi Open Journal Systems Motifeme dalam dongeng Momotaro (pendekatan strukutur naratif Alandundes) 2024-07-22T05:57:22+00:00 Muhammad Zulfikhar Al Farhan Putra Novi Andari <p>Karya sastra sebagai kesatuan struktural yang bersama-sama menghasilkan makna menyeluruh. Menurut Hutomo (1991:4), cerita rakyat diartikan sebagai ekspresi budaya suatu masyarakat melalui bahasa tutur yang berhubungan langsung dengan berbagai aspek budaya dan tatanan nilai sosial masyarakat tersebut. Dahulu, cerita rakyat diwariskan secara turun- menurun dari satu generasi ke generasi berikutnya. Cerita rakyat Jepang Momotaro adalah sebuah dongeng dari Jepang yang terkenal yang juga memiliki berbagai banyak nilai dan pesan moral yang dapat dijadikan sebagai contoh pembelajaran bagi masyarakat Jepang. Penelitian ini fokus pada identifikasi motif cerita dari Cerita Rakyat Momotaro dengan menggunakan teori Struktur Naratif Alan Dundes. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan strukturalisme. Sedangkan metode ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa dari 8 motifeme Alan Dundes, ditemukan hanya 5 di antarnya yaitu Lack, Lack Liquidate, Task, Task Completed, Attemp Escape, Deceit, dan Interdiction. Total data yang ditemukan adalah sebanyak 16 data, yang dominan pada lack yaitu 8 data dan sisanya masing-masing 2 data. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa di dalam Cerita Rakyat Momotaro mengandung motif cerita yang menggambarkan kekurangan, keinginan atau angan-angan, yang diakhiri dengn tercapainya tujuan masing-masing tokoh di dalamnya.</p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Zulfikhar Al Farhan Putra, Novi Andari Female Portrayal in John Green's The Great American Morp and Veronica Roth's Vim and Vigor 2024-07-24T03:42:23+00:00 Fandya Priyandra Zahran Ambar Andayani <p>The study is designed to be a qualitative descriptive study which aims to analyze and examine the portrayal of female character in John Green’s short story titled <em>The Great American Morp</em> and in Veronica Roth’s <em>Vim and Vigor</em>. The study uses post-feminism theory in conducting analysis on the portrayal of female main character. Identification of character portrayal is conducted by using Murphy’s theory of characterization. The study finds that Green and Roth both portrays their female character under girl power discourse. They normalize that women trait like being lonely, unhappy, introverted, unique, emotional, indecisive, ordinary and being feminine as empowering and acceptable, and not to be taken as weaknesses. Green emphasizes female rebellion toward traditional and popular convention or practices, while Roth encourages an open and positive attitude toward unconventional interpretation in relationship. She highlights the existence of mental health problem of anxiousness in female, specifically in young adult female.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fandya Priyandra Zahran, Ambar Andayani Metafora konseptual dalam lirik lagu di Album “Flying Solo” karya Pamungkas 2024-07-24T05:13:14+00:00 Muhammad Naufal Emeraldhani Asih Prihandini <p><strong>Abstract.</strong> The study titled "Metafora Konseptual dalam Lirik Lagu di Album 'Flying Solo” karya Pamungkas" aims to analyze the use of conceptual metaphors in the lyrics of Pamungkas' album "Flying Solo." The research identifies various types of conceptual metaphors employed by the artist to convey emotions, life experiences, and worldviews, drawing on Lakoff and Johnson's (2003) theory of conceptual metaphors. The methodology used is qualitative, involving the analysis of lyrics sourced from The study applies Croft and Cruse's (2004) image schema theory alongside Lakoff and Johnson's conceptual metaphor framework. Findings indicate that Pamungkas consistently uses structural, orientational, and ontological metaphors, enhancing the emotional depth and psychological resonance of his lyrics. The study concludes that these metaphors not only enrich the meaning of the lyrics but also strengthen the emotional connection between the artist and the listener, showcasing the potential of cognitive semantics in lyrical analysis.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Conceptual Metaphor, Cognitive Semantics, Lyrical Analysis, Image Schema, Pamungkas.</p> <p><strong>Abstrak.</strong> Penelitian berjudul "Metafora Konseptual dalam Lirik Lagu di Album 'Flying Solo' karya Pamungkas" bertujuan untuk menganalisis penggunaan metafora konseptual dalam lirik lagu album "Flying Solo" karya Pamungkas. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi berbagai jenis metafora konseptual yang digunakan oleh sang artis untuk menyampaikan emosi, pengalaman hidup, dan pandangan dunia, dengan mengacu pada teori metafora konseptual dari Lakoff dan Johnson (2003) Metodologi yang digunakan adalah kualitatif, yang melibatkan analisis lirik yang diperoleh dari Penelitian ini menerapkan teori skema citra dari Croft dan Cruse (2004)bersama dengan kerangka metafora konseptual dari Lakoff dan Johnson. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa Pamungkas secara konsisten menggunakan metafora struktural, orientasional, dan ontologis, yang memperkaya kedalaman emosional dan resonansi psikologis dalam liriknya. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa penggunaan metafora tersebut tidak hanya memperkaya makna lirik, tetapi juga memperkuat keterhubungan emosional antara musisi dan pendengar, menunjukkan potensi besar dari semantik kognitif dalam analisis lirik lagu.</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci</strong>: Metafora Konseptual, Semantik Kognitif, Analisis Lirik, Skema Citra, Pamungkas.</p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Naufal Emeraldhani, Asih Prihandini Challenge of Gender Role Reversal in Naomi Alderman's The Power 2024-07-24T04:59:11+00:00 Alya Nur Safitri Linusia Marsih <p>This study aims to investigate the gender role reversal reflected in Naomi Alderman's The Power and its impacts on societal structure. In conducting the study, V. Geetha's theory of gender role reversal is employed. Moreover, this research is designed as descriptive qualitative research because the data are in the form of words, and the analysis results are described using rich, detailed, and descriptive language to capture the complexity. In addition, gender study is applied since the study deals with gender issues. The results of the study show that as women are empowered with physical strength through the 'skein' of new organs in the female body, they take over the roles that men have. The women take over the roles of leaders in society and institutions. This reversal of gender roles has significant impacts on society. The women use their power by legalizing injustice such as men being mistreated by governments, and impose restrictions on men's rights to act and behave in society. In addition, the gender role reversal leads to international conflicts such as war in some countries and terrorism. This research highlights that when women have more power and dominance in society, the social structure changes.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>gender role reverse, leader, patriarchy, power, society</em></p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Alya Nur Safitri, Linusia Marsih Itsumi and Sayuri's Individuation Process in Akiyoshi Rikako's The Dark Maidens 2024-07-24T05:35:04+00:00 Chandrawati Adji Ningrum Mateus Rudi Supsiadji <p>This study aims to analyze Itsumi and Sayuri's individuation process in Akiyoshi Rikako’s <em>The Dark Maidens</em>. Identify which aspects of individuation are most prominent in each character through Carl Gustav Jung's theory of the collective unconscious. The theory explains that the individuation process in the collective unconscious is made up of four archetypes, namely, ego, persona, shadow, and anima or animus. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method to deeply analyze and detail the characters' psychological development. The writer uses a psychological approach that examines how the characters experience individuation, a journey of self-discovery to preserve their societal image. The result of this study shows that both Itsumi and Sayuri present a persona to society, masking their true selves and hiding their shadow, the darker aspects of their personalities, within the subconscious. Itsumi's betrayal leads her ego to be overtaken by her shadow, revealing a vengeful and rebellious nature that dismantles her facade. The shadow also consumes Sayuri's ego due to her treacherous tendencies and desire to eliminate Itsumi, causing her persona to collapse. The finding of this study is the shadow's dominance results in both characters exhibiting irrational and destructive behaviors. Additionally, the characters become aware of their animus. Finally, the study concludes that the novel illustrates how individuals can undergo a negative individuation process characterized by the shadow's dominance over the ego.</p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Chandrawati Adji Ningrum, Mateus Rudi Subsiadji Analisis Shouryakugo dalam Anime "Keikenzumi na Kimi to Keiken Zero na Ore ga Otsukiai suru Hanashi" Episode 1-3 2024-07-24T05:30:16+00:00 Cahyabayu Dimas Yudha Pratama Umul Khasanah <p>This research focuses on analyzing the formation process of <em>shouryakugo</em> (word shortening) in the <em>anime</em> “<em>Keikenzumi na Kimi to Keiken Zero na Ore ga Otsukiai suru Hanashi</em>” episodes 1-3. The purpose of this research is to identify the types of <em>shouryakugo</em> found in the <em>anime</em> "<em>Keikenzumi na Kimi to Keiken Zero na Ore ga Otsukiai suru Hanashi</em>" episodes 1-3 and to understand the process of their formation. The theory underlying this research is the <em>shouryakugo</em> formation theory according to Kindaichi, which classifies <em>shouryakugo</em> into several types based on their formation process. This research method uses a morphological approach, aiming to provide an in-depth explanation of the form changes and types of <em>shouryakugo</em> in the <em>anime</em> "<em>Keikenzumi na Kimi to Keiken Zero na Ore ga Otsukiai suru Hanashi</em>" episodes 1-3. Data were collected through dialogues in the <em>anime</em> "<em>Keikenzumi na Kimi to Keiken Zero na Ore ga Otsukiai suru Hanashi</em>" episodes 1-3 using the listening and note-taking technique. The results of this research found a total of 14 <em>shouryakugo</em> data in the <em>anime</em> "<em>Keikenzumi na Kimi to Keiken Zero na Ore ga Otsukiai suru Hanashi</em>" episodes 1-3, including 8 <em>geryaku</em> and 6 <em>fukushiki shouryaku</em>.</p> 2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cahyabayu Dimas Yudha Pratama, Umul Khasanah Multimodal Analysis of Pepsi Advertisement Video in Youtube 2024-07-24T08:05:53+00:00 Ayutia Kusumastuti Bramantya Pradipta <p>This research explores multimodal analysis of Pepsi advertisements on YouTube and focuses on semiotic system based on Anstey and Bull's theory. This theory applied to three Pepsi advertisements using a qualitative descriptive method. The goal is to understand how the semiotic system in Pepsi advertisements conveys messages and builds a strong brand image. The research collected a total of 95 data points from the three advertisements. Linguistic analysis recorded 17 data points, visual analysis gathered 27 data points, audio analysis included 10 data, gestural analysis recorded 32 data points, spatial analysis included 9 data points. By combining these aspects together, this study provides an understanding of how Pepsi advertising conveys messages and builds a dynamic and modern brand image.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Advertisement, Discourse, Multimodal, Pepsi, Semiotic System.</em></p> 2024-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ayutia Kusumastuti, Bramantya Pradipta A Comparative Multimodal Analysis on Selected Advertisements: Lays & Pringles 2024-07-24T10:18:56+00:00 Almeida Prastiwi Bramantya Pradipta <p>Advertisement is a type of communication that aims to promote or provide information about products, services, or ideas to the general public to influence their actions or views, the purpose of advertisements is to increase sales, build brand awareness, and inform that there is a new product. Using the multimodal theory from Anstey &amp; Bull (2010) which is semiotic system, this research finds out the semiotic system on Lays and Pringles advertisements and the similarities and differences of semiotic system on Lays and Pringles advertisements. The part that will be analyzed is the comparative of semiotic system on Lays and Pringles advertisements. This study, employed qualitative method and using table to compare the semiotic system that exists in Lays and Pringles advertisements. The data were taken from scenes in Lays and Pringles advertisements on YouTube. Semiotic system that exists in Lays and Pringles based on theory of Anstey &amp; Bull (2010) is linguistic analysis, visual analysis, audio analysis, gesture analysis, and spatial analysis. The total of findings from this study is 48. In the two advertisements that have been researched, all semiotic systems including 15 linguistic analysis, 10 visual analysis, 11 audio analysis, 9 gesture analysis, and 3 spatial analyses. The result show that there are five aspects of semiotic systems based on Anstey &amp; Bull (2010) theory. All similarities and differences also appear except the audio analysis. The similarities of audio analysis did not appear because the two advertisements have been using different music for the audio.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Comparative, Lays, Multimodal, Pringles, Semiotic System.</p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Almeida Prastiwi, Bramantya Pradipta Lily Search for Sexual Identity in Malinda Lo's Last Night at the Telegraph Club 2024-07-24T11:25:49+00:00 Alifah Adjani Prasetyo Tri Pramesti <p>This study explores the journey of sexual identity discovery in Malinda Lo’s novel <em>Last Night at The Telegraph Club</em>, focusing on the main character Lily, a Chinese American teenager in the 1950s. The writer of this study used qualitative and descriptive research methods to examines into Lily's experiences. By employing Vivienne Cass’s model of six stage of homosexual identity formation and applies queer theory as a means for doing queer criticism. However, in this study, only five stages are found in the main character's journey, as Lily does not reach the stage of pride due to external rejections and societal pressures. This study highlights the intersection of cultural expectations and sexual identity, illustrating the importance of supportive communities on self-acceptance. Lily’s story portrays the ongoing challenges faced by homosexual individuals in conservative societies, emphasizing the need for broader societal acceptance and change. Through this research, the study aims to contribute to the understanding of sexual identity development and the critical importance of supportive environments for homosexual individuals.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Alifah Adjani Prasetyo, Tri Pramesti An Aanalysis of Illocutionary Acts in Thor: Love and Thunder Movie 2024-07-24T15:01:39+00:00 Amoynindi Dewanti Ardilla Susie Chrismalia Garnida <p>In communication, the speaker not only makes utterances but also conducts actions through those words. In addition to conveying information, individuals use language to perform actions that are intended to have a specific purpose and effect on the recipient. Actions carried out through spoken words are referred to as speech acts. The purpose of this research is to identify and describe the types and most dominant types of illocutionary acts that were presented in Thor: Love and Thunder movie through the movie and script. The researcher used the qualitative method to analyze the data. This research uses John Searle’s theory in Yule's books (1996) about various types of illocutionary acts including representative, directive, declarative, expressive, and commissive. The result of this study found a total of 97 data on illocutionary acts in Thor: Love and Thunder movie. First, the researcher found representative types (21 data) data, directive types (35 data), declarative types (5 data), expressive types (15 data), and commissive types (13 data). The most dominant type used in Thor: Love and Thunder is the directive type because Thor uses his words to command and lead his army.</p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Amoynindi Dewanti Ardilla, Susie Chrismalia Garnida Salama's Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Zoulfa Katouh's As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow 2024-07-25T05:01:03+00:00 Gresyane Johana Marantika Adeline Grace M Litaay <p><strong>Abstract.</strong>&nbsp;This study aims to discuss the problem of post-traumatic stress disorder in the novel <em>As Long as the Lemon Tree Grow </em>by Zoulfa Katouh. This study is focused on the symptoms, causes, and effects of post-traumatic stress disorder experienced by the main character in the story. This study uses PTSD theory to analyze post-trauma Salama stress disorder. The research method applied in this study is qualitative, with the literary psychology approach. According to the results of the analysis, there are four symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder experienced by Salam. The first is to avoid reminders of traumatic events, the second is a disturbing mind, the third is feeling anxious and on edge, and the last is the symptom of passion and reactive. The cause of Salama's experience of post-traumatic stress disorder is a terror incident and bomb explosion that occurred in the past that affected his family, and this incident occurred again when he worked in a hospital in Homs. The effects of post-traumatic stress disorder that Salama experienced first were sedative, emotional, and social anxiety. This can be seen in the feelings of greetings because of the dispute that occurs between Salam and the military soldiers. Therefore, it can be concluded that realistic anxiety occurs when there is fear close to danger.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>&nbsp;PTSD, symptoms</em><em>&nbsp;of &nbsp;PTSD</em><em>, causes</em><em>&nbsp;of PTSD</em><em>, effects</em><em>&nbsp;of PTSD</em></p> 2024-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Gresyane Johana Marantika, Adeline Grace M Litaay Daniel Sempere's Ambitions in Carlos Ruiz Zafon's The Shadow of The Wind 2024-07-26T06:57:01+00:00 Zachry Noor Anik Cahyaning Rahayu <p>This research discusses about Daniel’s ambitions in Carlos Ruiz Zafon’s The Shadow of the Wind. This research aims to explain and describe Daniel’s journey in achieving his ambitions. This research uses the novel, The Shadow of the Wind as the source of the data. This research uses a psychological approach and sanguine temperament characteristics from Ludwig Klages’ in psychological theory of character. The theory and approach used as a guide to analyse the data, describes and reveals the main character’s ambitions in the story. Descriptive qualitative method is used in this research. The results of this research shows that Daniel has three ambitions, becoming a writer, finding out Julian Carax, and saving Beatriz. Daniel’s ambitions are based on his connection with other people and the desire to help others. Daniel struggles to reach his ambitions, and faces a lot of challenges and hinderances. However, Daniel still has a strong courage, desire, confidence and optimism which makes him successful to reach his ambitions. Daniel finally achieves his ambitions to find out Julian Carax and to be with Beatriz Aguilar.</p> 2024-08-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Zachry Noor, Anik Cahyaning Rahayu Existential Crisis Reflected in Louis-Ferdinand Celine’s Journey to The End of The Night 2024-07-25T12:30:13+00:00 Rendy Arianto Ambar Andayani <p>This study discusses the existential crisis that occurs in Louis-Ferdinand Celine’s <em>Journey to the End of the Night</em><em>. </em>The aim of this research is to examine the aspects of existential crisis and examine the cope of existential crisis found in the Louis-Ferdinand Celine’s&nbsp; <em>Journey to the End of the Night</em>. The researcher chooses this novel because the novel depicts the issue of existential crisis through a person who live in different places with different socio-cultural context. The researcher hopes that this research can be a reference for other research conducted with the same issue, and provides understanding for the reader concerning existential crisis. The novel itself is a semi-autobiographical novel which is based on the author’s experience. The novel is written in first person point of view. The researcher focuses to examine the main character of the novel. The researcher uses a qualitative descriptive method and a psychological approach to connect existential crisis and literature. To analyze the conflict in the novel, the researcher employs Joana Butėnaitė, Jolanta Sondaitė, Antanas Mockus’s existential crisis theory to breakdown component of existential crisis. The theory is practicable in order to gain more understanding about existential crisis. For the coping of existential crisis, the researcher employs the theory by Uddin. The researcher finds all three components of existential crisis points to several aspects, namely emotional, cognitive, and behavior component. And Bardamu coping of existential crisis, namely formulating a deeper understanding of himself in his place in the world through exploring his inner thoughts.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>Existential Crisis, Emotional</em><em>,</em><em> Cognitive, Behavior</em></p> 2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rendy Arianto, Ambar Andayani An Analysis of Flouting Maxim in Utterances of Main Characters in Elemental: Forces of Nature Movie 2024-07-26T06:52:14+00:00 Sofia Ayu Nur Imani Bramantya Pradipta <p>This research aims to determine the flouting of the maxims used in the main character of <em>Elemental: Forces of Nature</em> movie through qualitative methods using Herbert Paul Grice's theory of cooperative principles. To conduct this study, the researcher collected data by observing the utterances produced by the characters Amber Lumen and Wade Ripple in the <em>Elemental: Forces of Nature</em> movie, which was downloaded from the Disney+ Hotstar application. The purpose of this research is to determine the types of flouting maxims. Then, identify and analyze flouting maxims often used in the main character's utterances. The findings show that the main character flouts the maxim forty times in this movie. It is known that the maxim of quantity appears fourteen times, the maxim of quality appears four times, the maxim of relevance appears nineteen times, and the maxim of manner appears three times. This means that the maxim of relevance is the maxim most often flouted by the main character, while the least flouted maxim is the maxim of manner. Wade Ripple frequently flouts the maxim of relevance ten times, and Amber Lumen only nine times. Lastly, Amber Lumen often flouts the maxim of manner three times.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Cooperative Principle, </em><em>Elemental: Forces of Nature</em>,<em> Flouting Maxim, Herbert Paul Grice’s Theory.</em></p> 2024-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sofia Ayu Nur Imani, Bramantya Pradipta Child Abuse In Gabrielle Tallent's My Absolute Darling 2024-07-26T13:37:13+00:00 Lintang Wibowo Adeline Grace Marianne Litaay <p>This study discusses about child abuse that is experienced by Julia “Turtle Alveston in Gabrielle Tallent’s My Absolute Darling. This study tells about the abuse that is experienced by Turtle, the main character. This study aims to reveal three points: the kinds of child abuse, the causes of child abuse, and the effects of child abuse of that happen to Turtle Alveston. This study uses the psychological approach of literature as it helps to find out how Turtle experiences the abuse that is done by her father, Martin. Gabrielle Tallent’s My Absolute Darling is used as the source of the data. Some quotations are added to support the analysis. As the results, the writer finds that the cause of the abuse is family dynamics as a pivotal factors in perpetuating child abuse. Also, the kinds of abuse found are psychical abuse, emotional abuse, psychological abuse, verbal abuse, coercive control, intimidation and threats, and sexual abuse. Last but not the least, the effects of the abuse are psychological and emotional trauma, social dysfunction, and physical health issues and behavioral problem</p> 2024-08-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Lintang Wibowo, Adeline Grace Marianne Litaay The The analysis of Jean Baptiste Grenouille's desire in Patrick Suskind's perfume: The Story of Murderer 2024-07-26T18:50:47+00:00 yusuf bakhtiar <p>Analyzing Jean Baptiste Grenouille through a Lacanian lens offers a compelling exploration of desire, identity, and the unconscious in "Perfume: The Story of a Murderer." Jean Baptiste's character exemplifies Lacan's concept of desire as a fundamental aspect of human subjectivity, shaped by unconscious drives and symbolic representations. The aspect of Lacanian theory relevant to Jean Baptiste is the idea of the "mirror stage," where an individual forms their sense of identity through identification with external images. Jean Baptiste's obsession with capturing and possessing the perfect scent can be seen as a quest for self-recognition and identity formation. His desire to create the ultimate perfume reflects a longing for a perfected self, mirroring Lacan's notion of the ego ideal. Moreover, Lacan's concept of the "objet petit a," the elusive object-cause of desire, helps elucidate Jean Baptiste's relentless pursuit of scent. The perfume, particularly that of young virginal girls, serves as the object of his desire, representing an unattainable ideal that he seeks to possess. This desire is not merely driven by physical attraction but also by a deeper longing for wholeness and completion, as suggested by Lacan. The researcher try to find The reflection of Desire in the novel and show what the effect of desire it self using Jacques Lacan theory of desire The analysis shows that Desire is not only about what the subject wants, but many aspects influence the formation of a desire using Lacan's theoretical method. The representation of desire in Grenouille extends beyond conscious control, deeply rooted in his psychological condition</p> 2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 yusuf bakhtiar Racism Presented in Colson Whitehead’s The Nickel Boys 2024-07-27T09:20:56+00:00 Farizal Hamdani Anik Cahyaning Rahayu <p>This thesis is about racism that occurs in the novel <em>The Nickel Boys </em>by Colson Whitehead. The purpose of writing this thesis is to describe the types of racism and how the main characters Elwood and Turner struggle to face the acts of racism happening to them. This thesis uses an extrinsic approach, that is sociological approach to describe the text in the novel by connecting it to sociological theory. To analyze the types of racism, The theory of Carmichael and Hamilton identifies two forms of racism: individual racism and institutional racism. Individual racism happen includes behaviors that cause a person to experience death, injury, and denial of services. Meanwhile, institutional racism involves an institution that has a huge negative impact on access, services, and opportunities for minority groups. Individual racism occurs when black students experience violence that causes injury and death, such as the beatings and torture experienced by black students. Institutional racism occurs because of policies enacted at Nickel Academy that are detrimental to black students, such as behavioral differences between white and black students and poor facilities that are only experienced by black students. In the novel, it is mentioned that the individual and institutional racism experienced by black students resulted in their injuries, denial of services and even death. In the novel, it is found that the main character struggles to deal with racism by running away from Nickel Academy.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>individual racism, institutional racism, racial acts, violence, struggle</em></p> 2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Farizal Hamdani, Anik Cahyaning Rahayu Signifying the signs of virtues, vices, and supernatural in Raksasa Penjaga Gunung Merapi and The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow 2024-07-27T12:09:09+00:00 Khoirotun Dwi Pramugita Pininta Veronika Silalahi <p>This study aims to investigate the signs of virtues, vices, and supernatural that are contained in folktales Raksasa Penjaga Gunung Merapi and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Using Pierce's semiotics technique, the study selected two folktales Raksasa Penjaga Gunung Merapi from Indonesia and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, from America—to complete it by means of their indications of virtue, vices, and supernatural. In this paper, from these two folktales, the semiotic events of signs of virtues, vices, and supernatural from a qualitative perspective. This paper investigates virtues and vices using Aristotle's theory. Furthermore examines the supernatural applying Jonathan C. Smith's thesis. According to the investigation, qualities were split into nine categories: courage, temperance, generous, humility, patience, truthfulness, clever, friendliness, and modesty. There are seven varieties of vices: fear, insensible, stingy, lack of spirit, understatement, surly, and shyness. At last, the supernatural is split into six: telekinesis, extrasensory perception (telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition), psychokinesis, mediumship, astrology and fortune telling.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> 2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Khoirotun Dwi Pramugita, Pininta Veronika Silalahi Analisis Kanjou Hyougen dalam Novel “Kokuhaku” Karya Minato Kanae 2024-07-27T15:09:25+00:00 Aisyah Fitri Nur Rosita Umul Khasanah <p><span class="s12"><span class="bumpedFont17">Penelitian ini berfokus pada analisis </span></span><span class="s13"><span class="bumpedFont17">kanjou</span></span><span class="s13"><span class="bumpedFont17">hyougen</span></span><span class="s12"><span class="bumpedFont17"> (tindak tutur ekspresif) dalam novel “</span></span><span class="s13"><span class="bumpedFont17">kokuhaku</span></span><span class="s12"><span class="bumpedFont17">” karya Minato Kanae. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi d</span></span><span class="s12"><span class="bumpedFont17">an mendeskripsikan tindak tutur ekspresif yang ada dalam novel “</span></span><span class="s13"><span class="bumpedFont17">kokuhaku</span></span><span class="s12"><span class="bumpedFont17">” karya Minato Kanae. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian ini berupa tuturan para tokoh dalam novel. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik baca dan catat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tindak tutur ekspresif dalam novel “kokuhaku” terdiri dari 6 jenis tindak tutur ekspresif berupa: a) kegembiraan dalam konteks karena penutur terhibur atau merasa bahagia karena suatu keadaan; b) kesulitan dalam konteks &nbsp;</span></span><span class="s12"><span class="bumpedFont17">adanya perasaan sedih penutur karena keadaan yang sulit; c) kesukaan dalam konteks adanya perasaan suka penutur terhadap sesuatu yang memuaskan hati penutur; d) kebencian dalam konteks adanya perasaan kecewa penutur karena kenyataan tidak sesuai dengan harapan; e) kesenangan dalam konteks adanya perasaan senang karena penutur mendapat keberuntungan; f) kesengsaraan dalam konteks adanya perasaan penyesalan penutur</span></span></p> 2024-07-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aisyah Fitri Nur Rosita, Umul Khasanah EFL Students' Perceptions and Preferences Towards Written Corrective Feedback at Sintuwu Maroso University 2024-07-27T13:35:17+00:00 Fellisia Danali Vivin Krismawanti Modjanggo Vivin Krismawanti Modjanggo Sitti Fitriawati Mamudi <p>This research aims to provide information regarding students' perceptions and preferences towards written corrective feedback given by lecturers in writing classes. This research uses a quantitative approach with a survey design. The data are collected from questionnaires. There are 61 EFL students’ participated in filling out the questionnaire. The research results show that: 1) EFL students’ perceptions of written correction feedback are based on their views or expectations of feedback, EFL students’ agree that feedback can help them write better next time. Based on experience with feedback, EFL students’ agree that feedback explains their mistakes in writing. Based on the usefulness or value of feedback, EFL students’ agree that feedback tells them how to make their writing better. Based on the affect or emotions associated with feedback, EFL students’ agree that feedback on their writing makes them feel confident. 2) The types of written corrective feedback that most preferred by EFL students’ are unfocused feedback, focused feedback, and direct feedback. </p> 2024-08-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fellisia Danali, Vivin Krismawanti Modjanggo, Vivin Krismawanti Modjanggo, Sitti Fitriawati Mamudi Child Abuse as Portrayed in Delia Owen's Where The Crawdads Sing 2024-07-28T05:33:56+00:00 Gita Senja Ayu Cahyani Mateus Rudi Supsiadji <p>Child abuse occurs when a child is hurt or abused by an adult. This can happen in various ways, impacting the child's body, cognition, and emotions. This study discusses the kind of child abuse and the impact of child abuse in Delia Owens' <em>Where the Crawdads Sing</em>. This study uses the child abuse theory by Christiane Sanderson and takes a psychological approach as it examines real-life phenomena. A qualitative approach is used as a method of research. The analysis reveals that Kya experiences physical abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect, primarily inflicted by her father and further exacerbated by the abandonment of her parents and siblings. Kya endures physical abuse through beatings and threats from her father, emotional abuse through his dismissive and degrading behavior, and neglect as she is left to fend for herself in extreme poverty and isolation. These abuses have long-term effects on her physical and psychological health. Kya is malnourished because her parents abandoned her. Psychologically, she suffers from deep anxiety and a profound lack of trust as a result of repeated trauma and isolation. In conclusion, Kya's experiences with physical abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect emphasize the severe and lasting impacts of child abuse on an individual's physical and mental well-being. The novel highlights how these traumatic experiences shape Kya's interactions with family and society. Childhood traumatic experience that made Kya become the person who has anxiety.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Gita Senja Ayu Cahyani, Mateus Rudi Supsiadji Satellite Love as a Young Adult Literature 2024-07-28T09:59:33+00:00 Nyiar Ayudistya Danu Wahyono <p><strong>Abstract.</strong> The aims of this study is to analyze the features of young adult literature, through the intrinsic elements of a young adult literature novel. Young adult literature is a work of literature that focuses on how teenagers address the issues of adolescents. The novel Satellite Love by Genki Ferguson with 272 pages in total have several themes that considered as a young adult literature. This research used a descriptive qualitative approach to analyze the data to identify the features of young adult literature in the novel entitled Satellite Love and found what is distinguished from adult literature. In this study, some evidence was found that the characteristics of young adult literature are contained in the novel by Genki Ferguson published in 2021. It was also found that according to young adult literature, Stanton divided the plot have three stages namely, subplot, conflict, climax. Plot in a story moves quickly because it does not involve too many characters. Each chapter in <em>Satellite Love</em> is written from a different point of view of a teenager with a different physical appearance and a different ethnic origin. <em>Satellite Love</em> also deals with problems that teenagers commonly experience, such as bullying, isolation, loneliness, and falling in love and obsession. The novel <em>Satellite Love</em> can be concluded that most of the features of young adult literature can be represented in the novel <em>Satellite Love</em>.</p> 2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nyiar Ayudistya, Danu Wahyono Gangguan kepribadian Cluster A dalam anime Oregairu season 1 2024-07-29T04:47:11+00:00 Abdul Rohman Agung Gumelar Endang Poerbowati <p>Personality disorders are persistent patterns of behavior, thinking, and experience that influence how individuals interact or socialize with the world and others. In the anime Oregairu (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru), particularly the main character Hachiman Hikigaya, offers a detailed portrayal of Cluster A personality disorders. According to the DSM-5 (p. 646), Cluster A personality disorders are characterized by odd and eccentric behavior. This study aims to identify and analyze the Cluster A personality disorders exhibited by the main character. The research uses a descriptive qualitative method with a literary psychology approach, focusing on identifying traits that reflect these personality disorders. The main subject of the study is Hachiman Hikigaya, known for his skepticism about others' motives and his reluctance to open up, even to close friends. The study found 5 instances of relevant data: 2 instances of paranoid traits, 2 instances of schizoid traits, and 1 instance of schizotypal traits. The data indicate that Hachiman Hikigaya demonstrates consistent patterns of behavior associated with paranoid personality disorder, evident in his distrust of others' hidden motives, as well as schizoid personality disorder, shown by his avoidance of close relationships and limited emotional expression</p> 2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Rohman Agung Gumelar, Endang Poerbowati Exploring Character Dichotomy in Anna Todd's After Good Versus Bad 2024-08-06T14:14:42+00:00 Mutiara Stefani Putri Weking Tri Pramesti <p>This research explores the dichotomy of characters in Anna Todd’s <em>After </em>through the lens of binary opposition as proposed by Lois Tyson and the deconstruction approach by Jacques Derrida. The study focuses on the clear demarcation between good and bad characters, epitomized by Tessa Young and Hardin Scott, respectively. Using Tyson’s framework, the binary oppositions within the narrative are identified and analyzed, revealing how these oppositions structure the reader’s understanding of the characters. Derrida’s deconstruction theory is then applied to challenge and destabilize these fixed oppositions, offering a nuanced interpretation of the characters’ complexities. The findings indicate that while Tessa Young is predominantly portrayed as the embodiment of goodness, and Hardin Scott as the epitome of badness, a deeper analysis reveals underlying complexities and contradictions in their characterizations. This study contributes to a richer understanding of character development and thematic depth in contemporary literature. However, through the application of Derrida's deconstruction, the research concludes that these binary oppositions are not absolute. The complex interplay between Tessa and Hardin challenges the rigidity of their characterizations, demonstrating that the boundaries between “good” and “bad” are fluid and subject to reinterpretation.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>after, binary opposition, deconstruction, dichotomy, good and bad.</em></p> 2024-08-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mutiara Stefani Putri Weking, Tri Pramesti The Use of Aizuchi Non Linguistics Form on Keiji Mita's Anime Kimi No Suizou Wo Tabetai 2023-07-16T06:08:14+00:00 Akbar Ridho Firmansyah Umul Khasanah <p><em>Anime</em> contains (Japanese) language with various variations including <em>aizuchi</em>. <em>Aizuchi</em> is a response to the speaker as a sign of listening to the speaker's speech. This journal aims to describe the use of <em>sonota</em> or non-linguistik forms of <em>aizuchi sonota</em> and the function of <em>aizuchi</em> in the <em>anime kimi no suizou wo tabetai</em> by Keiji Mita. This research uses pragmatics approach and qualitative descriptive method. The data is in the form of audio visual (video) obtained by observation method, note-taking method and screenshoots to be used as still images. The data of 14 <em>aizuchi</em> in <em>sonota</em> form were analyzed, resulting in the use of 3 <em>aizuchi</em> as <em>kiite iru to iu shingou</em>, 1 <em>aizuchi</em> as <em>rikaishite iru to iu shingou</em>, 1 <em>aizuchi</em> as <em>doi no shingou</em>, 3 <em>aizuchi</em> as <em>hitei no shingou</em>, 5 <em>aizuchi</em> as <em>kanjou no shingou</em>, 1 <em>aizuchi</em> as <em>ma wo motaseru shingou</em>, and 0 <em>aizuchi</em> as <em>jouhou wo tsuika</em>, <em>tessei</em>, <em>youkyu no shingou</em>.</p> 2024-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Akbar Ridho Firmansyah, Umul Khasanah Aspek Resiliensi pada tokoh Hiroshi dalam film Jepang Hōmuresu Chuugakusei karya Sutradara Tomoyuki Furumaya 2024-07-23T06:36:01+00:00 Chindy Hasna Novi Andari <p>Resilience is the ability to survive and adjust when facing difficult circumstances. In the Japanese movie “Hōmuresu Chuugakusei” by Tomoyuki Furumaya, the resilience aspect of Hiroshi's character is described. By using a literary psychology approach, this research uses a theoretical study of aspects of resilience according to Reivich and Shatte (2002). This research uses a qualitative descriptive method to analyze the dialogue with Japanese and Indonesian subtitles, and scenes that illustrate aspects of resilience. This research will collect resilience scenes in the film, research, analyze, explain and describe the aspects of resilience in the film. The results of the study stated that seven aspects of resilience were found in the data source, namely emotion regulation, impulse control, optimism, clausal analysis, empathy, self-efficacy, and achievement totaling 10 data. Hiroshi described the tendency of resilience aspects, especially from the aspects of impulse control and clausal analysis. This research shows that support from the surrounding environment and from the internal side contributed greatly to Hiroshi's ability to survive.</p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Chindy Hasna, Novi Andari The Influence of Peers, Parents, and Media on Ann’s Body Image in Kelly Barson’s 45 Pounds 2024-07-24T03:58:20+00:00 Riska Dewi Linusia Marsih <p>This thesis discusses body image in Kelly Barson’s novel <em>45 Pounds</em> through the main character Ann, focusing on her mental image of her body and the factors influencing it. This qualitative research uses in-depth text analysis and a psychological approach, employing body image theories by Calogero &amp; Thompson and factors influencing body image by Van Den Berg &amp; Thompson et al. The analysis reveals that Ann has a negative body image, evident in her perception, attitude, and behavior towards her body. This negative image is influenced by peers, parents, and media. Negative comments, teasing, and behaviors from peers and parents, as well as media portrayals, contribute to Ann's body dissatisfaction. The study concludes that peers, parents, and media significantly impact Ann's negative body image. To build a positive body image, one must accept oneself, focus on health rather than size, and avoid comparisons. Peers, parents, and media should provide positive examples and encouragement regarding body and appearance.</p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Riska Dewi, Linusia Marsih An Analysis of Impoliteness Strategy Used by The Main Character in "A Man Called Otto" Movie 2024-07-24T04:49:31+00:00 Achmad Amirul Khaqqi Bramantya Pradipta <p>This research aims to identify and analysis the types and functions of impoliteness strategies used by the main character in A Man Called Otto movie. This research utilized a descriptive qualitative method. The data consisted of utterances, specifically used by the main character, Otto. The source of the data for this research is A Man Called Otto movie with helps by the transcripts to ensure that utterances in the movie are completely and accurately delivered. The researcher applied Culpeper’s theory of impoliteness strategy (2005) and its functions (2011). The results showed that 63 impoliteness strategies were found: bald on-record (11) utterances, positive impoliteness (20) utterances, negative impoliteness (23) utterances, off-record (1) utterance, and withhold politeness (8) utterances. Negative impoliteness more inclined because Otto’s characteristic is shaped by profound loneliness after his wife's death, making him impatient, straightforward, and irritable. Furthermore, two out of three functions occur in this research, namely affective impoliteness (25) utterances and coercive functions (38) utterances, coercive impoliteness more inclined because Otto’s desire to gain an advantage or maintain control in the situation, coupled with his power dynamic such as being older and more experienced. Furthermore, entertaining function was not found in this movie because it focuses about Otto’s personal journey and emotional challenges.</p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Achmad Amirul Khaqqi, Bramantya Pradipta Skeeter’s Ambition in Kathryn Stockett’s The Help 2024-07-24T05:08:47+00:00 Marsyagita Amiluddin Adeline Grace M Litaay <p>This study discusses Skeeter's ambition in Kathryn Stockett's <em>The Help</em>. The purpose of this study is to describe Skeeter's ambition, its causes, and its effects. In analyzing Skeeter’s ambition, the writer used the psychological approach and the theory of ambition by Judge and Kammeyer &amp; Mueller. This study employed qualitative research. The findings reveal that Skeeter aspires to become a great writer. Skeeter's ambition is driven by two factors: internal and external. The internal causes of Skeeter's ambition are her deep love and passion for writing, her desire to uncover the truth, and her drive to fight for justice. The external causes of Skeeter's ambition are her wish to change her mother's traditional thought about women, her closeness to her nanny who is an African-American maid, and the social factors in her environment that frequently discriminate against black people. The effects of Skeeter's ambition are also twofold: positive and negative. The positive effects of her ambition are that Skeeter eventually gets a job in New York, and white women become aware of the unfair treatment experienced by African-American maids. The negative effects of her ambition are that Skeeter starts to be shunned by her friends and even ostracized by other white people. She is abandoned by her boyfriend, and African-American maids are fired by white families.</p> 2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Marsyagita Amiluddin, Adeline Grace M Litaay Emily's Multimodal Hallucination Experience in Alexandra Potter's Me and Mr. Darcy 2024-07-24T05:30:22+00:00 Nanda Friska Tiya Agustin Y. B. Agung Prasaja <p>This article examines Emily's multimodal experiences in Alexandra Potter's <em>Me and Mr. Darcy</em> with a focus on its relationship to the phenomenon of hallucinations. Hallucination is described as an incorrect sensory experience in which an individual perceives sights, odors, flavors, textures, or sounds that are not present in reality. In term of hallucination, multimodal is a type of hallucination that is a mixture of various sensory modalities, creating the perception that they originate from a single source. This article seeks to explore the types of various sensory modalities that constitute Emily's multimodal hallucination experience. This article employs a qualitative analysis method to explore an in-depth examination of the various sensory modalities of Emily’s hallucination. A psychological approach is used in this article to uncover Emily’s hallucination. This analysis utilizes Veague's theory about the forms of hallucination. The analysis shows that Emily experiences multimodal hallucination which is a combination of visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, and gustatory hallucination that makes her feel that she can see the physical form, hear the voice, feel the touch, taste the food, and smell Mr. Darcy's perfume. The combination of these several sensory modalities that occur simultaneously makes the existence of Mr. Darcy seem real to Emily.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: hallucination, multimodal, sensory experience</p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nanda Friska Tiya Agustin, Y. B. Agung Prasaja Marriage Perception Towards Ria Ricis Divorce News on @Lambe_turah 2024-07-24T06:07:35+00:00 Mesy Rino Nindia Annisya Salsabilla Yulia Eka Putri Arnetta Ayu Carolina Salindeho <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research investigates public opinion on the divorce of social media celebrity Ria Ricis, utilizing Sara Mills' Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) framework to explore the discourse surrounding this event on social media. Ria Ricis, widely recognized for her YouTube presence, and her marriage to Teuku Ryan attracted significant attention, with their subsequent divorce sparking extensive reactions on social media, particularly on the popular Instagram account @lambe_turah. The study analyzes the subject-object positions in the discourse, revealing the power dynamics and ideological content embedded within the narrative. Drawing on previous studies that employed Mills’ CDA framework, this research aims to uncover how public figures' personal lives are constructed and interpreted in social media discourse, and how these representations reflect broader societal attitudes towards celebrity relationships and authenticity on social media platforms.</span></p> 2024-07-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mesy Rino Nindia, Annisya Salsabilla, Yulia Eka Putri, Arnetta Ayu Carolina Salindeho Motherhood in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice & Prima Santika’s Three Weddings and Jane Austen 2024-07-24T07:29:56+00:00 Hafizhah Fauziyyah Tri Pramesti <p>This study explores the feminist perspective on motherhood in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice and Prima Santika's Three Weddings and Jane Austen, concentrating on the influence of mother figures on their daughters' romantic and wedding options. The central issue is how different mother approaches reflect broader societal expectations and individual freedom. The research uses a qualitative analysis method, directed by feminist theory and the attachment theory of John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth, alongside the comparative literature theory by Wellek and Warren. The findings show that Mrs. Bennet's obsession with securing beneficial marriages for her daughters mirrors early 19th-century English societal norms, where wedding was crucial for financial security and social status. In contrast, Bu Sri's modern approach stresses individual autonomy and emotional well-being, balancing traditional values with individual preference. This study indicates that promoting individual autonomy, providing dynamic support, and balancing traditions with modern parenting can encourage healthier family dynamics.</p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hafizhah Fauziyyah, Tri Pramesti Discourse Markers as Textual Function in Girl Talk: Analysis of Joan Kim's Podcast Episode #16 2024-07-24T10:54:41+00:00 Nabila Hani Apriliana Pininta Veronika Silalahi <p><strong>.</strong> This research aims to analyze the types and dominant of textual functions in “<em>Girl Talk with Joan Kim Get Real Ep. #16 Podcast on Youtube</em>” with Fraser (1999), Schiffin (1987), and Hyland (2005) as discourse markers theory and classified the textual functions using Brinton (1996) theory of textual functions. A descriptive qualitative method used in this research to help describe data analysis procedure. The researcher found 85 textual functions appear in the “<em>Girl Talk with Joan Kim Get Real Ep.#16 on Youtube”</em> podcast which divided into: Opening markers (6) times, Close frame markers (2) times, Fillers (13) times, Information Indicator (12) times, turn takers (10) times, Topic switcher (2) times, and the most dominant is Repair markers with (25) times appeared. Repair markers commonly used by the hosts because it is a way of expressing state of understanding of information and used to express a change of state for subtle commentary by the hosts suggesting that something is not the most obvious or straightforward interpretation.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Discourse markers, Discourse analysis, Podcast, Textual functions</em></p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nabila Hani Apriliana, Pininta Veronika Silalahi An Analysis Politeness Strategies in Characters Utterances in The School for Good and Evil movie 2024-07-24T14:10:38+00:00 Almira Pramadiasta Susie Chrismalia Garnida <p>Pragmatics is a subfield of linguistics that studies communication. Politeness is a key concept in linguistics and social interactions, referring to the strategies and behaviors people use to show respect, consideration, and deference to others. As suggested by Brown and Levinson (1987), the strategy of politeness has been observed to operate as a regressive measure towards face-threatening actions (FTA). This research aims to analyze the types of politeness strategies and find out the mostly used type of politeness strategies in The School for Good and Evil movie. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. The researcher used Brown and Levinson (1987) theory of politeness strategies. The form of data are utterances of the characters, indicating politeness strategies. The result of this research is 79 data utterances types of politeness strategies which is divided into: bald-on record strategy (25) times, positive politeness strategy (27) times, negative politeness strategy (15) times, and off-record strategy (12) times. Politeness strategies are the mostly used in this movie is positive politeness strategies, because the speaker and the hearer have a close relationship.</p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Almira Pramadiasta, Susie Chrismalia Garnida Analysis of Directive Speech Acts on Megan Bernadette's Characters in The Movie of "The Slumber Party" 2024-07-25T03:35:45+00:00 Mita Sari Dewi Asih Prihandini <p>The research entitled Analysis of directive speech acts on Megan Barnadette’s character in the movie “The Slumber Party” aims to describe the type of speech acts and the meaning of those speech acts in the movie “The Slumber Party”. The main character’s speech, Megan Bernadette, was utilized as the research data. The study first watched the movie thoroughly to understand the main character in “The Slumber Party.” The second step was for the researcher to read the downloaded movie script, adapt it to the main character’s speech, and note the potential data to be collected. The data were then selected, and the relevant data were analyzed. The data was analyzed based on Yule’s directive speech acts classification theory. According to Yule, the classification of directive speech acts consists of : commands, orders, requests, and giving advice. This research uses a descriptive qualitative research method. The results of this study are data in the form of directive speech acts in the type of “ordering” eleven times, directive speech functions “requesting” five times, and speech acts “giving advice” thirteen times. Directive speech acts on the main character of the movie The Slumber is more dominant in using the directive speech act function of “giving advice”.&nbsp;</p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mita Sari Dewi, Asih Prihandini Love in Sir Charles George Douglas Roberts' Selected Poems 2024-07-25T09:51:55+00:00 Ari Ade Anik Cahyaning Rahayu <p>This thesis explores love in five selected poems by Sir Charles George Douglas Roberts: <em>Moonlight, The Fear of Love, Love's Translator, Presence, and The Footpath</em>. The research aims to find the types of love and identify and analyze the figurative language exposing the theme. The intrinsic approach is used for this research. An extrinsic approach, the psychological approach from John Lee’s theory is also used to analyze the types of love because love relates to psychology. The data source used in this research consists of the five poems. A descriptive qualitative method is used in this research. Each poem demonstrates different types of love as defined by John Lee’s theory, including Eros, Mania, and Storge, using figurative language to express deeper emotions and meanings. <em>Moonlight</em> shows Eros love through imagery, metaphors, personification, apostrophe, and hyperbole, capturing intense longing and desire. <em>The Fear of Love</em> shows Mania love, characterized by obsession and anxiety, through imagery, metaphor, and hyperbole. <em>Love's Translator</em> uses symbols of nature and imagery to reflect the physical attraction and emotional depth of Eros love. In <em>Presence</em>, Eros love is shown through imagery, personification, and hyperbole showing how the lover’s presence transforms the speaker's perception of the world. Lately, <em>The Footpath</em> shows Storge love, emphasizing deep friendship and shared memories, with imagery, metaphors, and apostrophe, shows the bond between the speaker and his beloved. In conclusion, this research shows how figurative language is used to portray the kinds of love theme of the five poems.<br><br></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-08-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ari Ade The Impact of ChatGPT Formative Feedback on EFL Learner 2024-07-25T12:14:59+00:00 Mas Zia Ahdaan Ta'ajuddin Hidayat Pariyanto Pariyanto <p>This study uses quantitative research design, and aims to analyze the impact of ChatGPT formative feedback in improving the quality of EFL learners’ narrative essay writing. The 16 participants are English Literature students of Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya. In rating the pre-feedback and post-feedback narrative essays, the researcher serves as the first rater, accompanied by another rater, as well as ChatGPT automated feedback as means of comparison. In rating the essays, a narrative essay rubric from City University of New york is employed as a guide. The result of this research shows a significant improvement in the rating of the essays after receiving feedback from ChatGPT. This is based on the Sig. value of paired sample test of .000, meaning a significant improvement is evident. Moreover, the interrater reliability between the raters is also high, as Cronbach’s Alpha shows a result of .912, indicating a value close to 1, meaning the rating process was reliable.</p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mas Zia Ahdaan Ta'ajuddin Hidayat, Pariyanto Pariyanto An Analysis of Apology Strategies Used by Characters in Inside Out Movie 2024-07-25T16:29:42+00:00 Wildan Farhan Bramantya Pradipta <p>Apology is crucial in communication for maintaining social harmony and resolving conflicts. This research examines apology strategies used by characters in the 2016 Oscar-winning animated movie "Inside Out." The objectives are to identify the coding schemes of apology strategies in the characters' utterance and determine the most dominant ones. Using Klimczak and Pawlak's (2014) theory and a qualitative descriptive method, data were collected by analyzing the characters' utterances in the movie. Employing a micro-linguistic pragmatic approach, the study reveals that direct apology strategies are predominantly used, influenced by factors like the severity of the infraction, social status, and cultural background. After analyzing the apology strategies in "Inside Out," researchers found 90 utterances: Illocutionary Force Indicating Device (IFID) with 18 appearances, Explanation or account of the situation (EXPL) with 17 appearances, Internal intensifiers (INT) with 11 appearances, Promise of Forbearance (FORB) with 10 occurrences, Offer of Repair (REPR) with 7 occurrences, Phatic communion (PC) with 5 occurrences, and the most dominant, Acknowledgment of responsibility (RESP), with 22 occurrences. The methodology involved qualitative observation and analysis of the movie, categorizing and coding the apology strategies. The study underscores the importance of direct apologies in animated films and their impact on interpersonal relationships and character development, contributing to the theoretical understanding of apology strategies and offering practical insights for further research in pragmatics and communication studies. Future research could explore more genres and contexts to validate and expand these findings.</p> 2024-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Wildan Farhan, Bramantya Pradipta Semiotics analysis of signs of virtues and vices in Si Pitung and Robin Hood 2024-07-26T11:36:45+00:00 Choirun Nisa Pininta Veronika Silalahi <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research investigates the folktales of Si Pitung and Robin Hood to identify signs of virtue and vice. The study uses these two stories to analyze the meanings of virtues and vices through Pierce's semiotic approach. Employing a descriptive qualitative method, the research describes the signs of virtues and vices within the tales. Pierce's theory serves as the theoretical framework, illustrating the relationship between the object (referent), representamen (words), and interpretant (reference). The objects in the folktales are virtues and vices, while the representamen are the utterances of Si Pitung and Robin Hood. The findings reveal twelve interpretant signs in the folktale utterances, including faith, helpfulness, loyalty, patience, politeness, responsibility, wisdom, steadfastness, courage, greed, revenge, authoritarianism, cruelty, slander, and cunning. The study identifies&nbsp; 9 (nine) types of virtue, namely courage, temperate, generous, patience, friendly, modesty and truthfulness and witty. And four types of vices—surly, boastfulness, cowardice and witty. In Si Pitung, modesty is shown by students towards the teacher, whereas in Robin Hood, modesty is demonstrated by followers towards the leader. This research elucidates how values of virtue and vice are signified and comprehended, and how folktales can reflect and shape societal values.</span></p> <p><strong>Keyword:</strong> <em><span style="font-weight: 400;">semiotics, signs, folktales, triadic relation</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></p> 2024-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Choirun Nisa, Pininta Veronika Silalahi Comparative Analysis of Apology Strategies of English and Korean Series 2024-07-26T23:09:38+00:00 Sita Arum Priono putri Dona Rahayu Sugiharti <p>This study aims to identify the types of apology strategies used by characters in English and Korean series using Olshtain and Cohen's (1986) theory. Additionally, this study aims to discover the differences in apology strategies between the English series "Secret Invasion" and the Korean series "Moving." The author employs a descriptive qualitative method in this research. The findings reveal that the English series employs 5 types of apology strategies, namely 2 expressions of apology, 1 offer of repair, 7 explanations of account, 1 acknowledgment of responsibility for the offense, and 2 promises of forbearance. The English series predominantly uses explanations of account because English culture tends to ignore social differences and apology strategies, and does not consider age or social status. In contrast, the Korean series uses only 4 types of apology strategies, namely 33 expressions of apology, 7 explanations of account, 1 acknowledgment of responsibility for the offense, and 1 promise of forbearance. The Korean series frequently uses apology phrases because Koreans pay more attention to age when apologizing and tend to apologize directly, as this is considered more polite and demonstrates feelings of guilt for mistakes made.</p> 2024-07-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sita Arum Priono putri, Dona Rahayu Sugiharti Exploring Magic Realism in `Dallergut Dream Department Store` by Miye Lee 2024-07-27T03:19:52+00:00 Muhammad Taufikqul Hidayat Karman Mateus Rudi Supsiadji <p><strong>:</strong> Magic realism is a literary genre that blends the magical with the mundane to create a unique narrative style. This study explores the use of magic realism in Miye Lee's DallerGut Dream Department Store. The research employs the theoretical frameworks of Wendy B. Faris' characteristics of magic realism and Anne C. Hegerfeldt's literary techniques. Utilizing an extrinsic approach focused on both theories, the study aims to identify and analyze the characteristics and literary techniques of magic realism in the novel. A qualitative method is used for this research. The analysis reveals that Miye Lee employs irreducible magical elements seamlessly blended with the realistic world of a dream department store, creating a narrative that challenges readers' perceptions of reality. Elements such as dream products, emotional payments, and mythical creatures like Leprechauns are presented as ordinary aspects of the characters' lives, exemplifying the characteristic merging of magical and real realms. Techniques like installment and subversion, as well as playing on the fantastic, are used to maintain a balance between the real and the magical, keeping the readers in a state of wonder and hesitation. The findings demonstrate that DallerGut Dream Department Store effectively uses magic realism to delve into complex human emotions and societal issues, providing a richer depiction of reality through its fantastical elements. This study contributes to the understanding of magic realism in contemporary literature, particularly within the context of Asian literature, and paves the way for further exploration of the genre's thematic and cultural implications.</p> 2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Taufikqul Hidayat Karman, Mateus Rudi Supsiadji Exploring Child Abuse Revealed in Jennette McCurdy's I'm Glad My Mom Died 2024-07-27T10:31:02+00:00 Alvi Kamila Adeline Grace M. Litaay <p>This research discusses child abuse in Jennette McCurdy’s <em>I’m Glad My Mom Died. </em>This study aims to analyze the cause, types, and impacts using the theory of child abuse by John Briere. The method that is used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. This thesis also uses the psychological approach. Based on the analysis the cause of the abuse is the obsession of Jennette’s mother to be an actress, which failed. In Jennette McCurdy’s <em>I’m Glad My Mom Died, </em>the writer found three types of abuse experienced by Jennette: physical abuse, psychological/emotional abuse, and child neglect. The example of physical abuse found in the novel are: forced to do an extreme diet and beauty treatment that causes harm to Jennette’s body. The psychological/emotional abuse found in the analysis is divided into eight parts: rejecting, degrading / devaluing, terrorizing, isolating, and corrupting, denying essential stimulation, emotional responsiveness, or availability, the last one is unreliable and inconsistent parenting. Furthermore, the child neglect found is divided into four types: physical neglect, emotional neglect, educational neglect and medical facility neglect. There are three impacts of child abuse found in the analysis: psychological issues, personality development, and physical health. The example of psychological issues found in the novel are: eating disorders, depression and anxiety. The instances of personality development found in the novel are: turning into a bitter person, cannot manage jealousy and temperamental. The example of physical health found in the novel are: issues with alcohol, illness, and bulimia. After experiencing that abuse, it influences Jennette such as struggles with self-image, mental health issues, the impact of career choices, desires for healing, advocacy, and sharing about mental health issues.</p> 2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Alvi Kamila, Adeline Grace M. Litaay The Patterns of Classroom Interaction in an EFL Classroom at ELS-Poso english Course 2024-07-27T13:17:37+00:00 Nur Hanifa Asri Ika Paramitha Lantu Sartika Andi Patau <p>This research aims to find out the classroom interaction patterns and the dominant interaction patterns used in an EFL classroom at English Language Skill (ELS)-Poso English course. In order to analyze the data, the researchers use a theory from Ur (1996) about the patterns of classroom interaction. This research use qualitative research methods and use observations, interviews and field notes to collect the data. The subjects in this research are a tutor and 8 level two students at English Language Skill (ELS)-Poso English Course. The research results show that there are seven interaction patterns used in the level two class at English Language Skill (ELS)-Poso English Course, namely; group work, closed-ended teacher questioning (IRF/IRE), individual work, choral responses, student initiates-teacher answers, full-class interaction, and open-ended teacher questioning. The dominant interaction patterns used in level two class are group work and choral responses.</p> 2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Hanifa Asri, Ika Paramitha Lantu, Sartika Andi Patau Social Criticism in the Lyrics of Songs Entitled Tousaku, Shisouhan, and Hirutonbi by Yorushika 2024-07-27T13:13:45+00:00 Muhammad Alvin Zahwa Fahmi Zida Wahyuddin <p>Social criticism is used to convey criticism that is communicated about a phenomenon that occurs in society. Social criticism acts when there is disapproval of other people's actions that are not in accordance with applicable rules, norms and values. Social criticism is conveyed directly or indirectly which can be voiced through various critical media. The lyrics of songs entitled <em>Tousaku</em>, <em>Shisouhan</em>, and <em>Hirutonbi</em> by Yorushika are one of the many media that contain elements of conveying social criticism. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with a literary sociology approach to determine the relationship between literary works and phenomena that occur in society in order to foster elements of social criticism. The data from this research is in the form of social criticism identified through song lyrics. The data source for this research is the lyrics of Yorushika's songs entitled <em>Tousaku</em>, <em>Shisouhan</em>, and <em>Hirutonbi</em>. The aim of this research is to find out and describe social criticism and forms of conveying social criticism in the lyrics of Yorushika's songs entitled <em>Tousaku</em>, <em>Shisouhan</em>, and <em>Hirutonbi</em>. From the analysis, six data findings were found that contained elements of social criticism regarding moral, economic and cultural issues. Direct and indirect forms of conveying criticism are also found in the lyrics of songs entitled <em>Tousaku</em>, <em>Shisouhan</em>, and <em>Hirutonbi</em> by Yorushika.</p> 2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Alvin Zahwa Fahmi, Zida Wahyuddin The translation strategy of idioms from English into Indonesia: The Blind Side movie 2024-07-27T14:42:51+00:00 Dewy Shynta Dewy Shynta Ika Paramitha Lantu Yuliana Dg. Macora <p>This research aims to find out the translation strategies of idioms found in the Blind Side movie. Baker (1992) and Newmark (1988) are the theories use for the research. This research is a qualitative research method. The data in this research are the movie script and the movie subtitles. The results show that there are seven idioms and one type of translation strategy found in the movie. The translation strategy is translation by paraphrase. </p> 2024-08-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dewy Shynta Dewy Shynta, Ika Paramitha Lantu, Yuliana Dg. Macora An Exploring Class Conflict in Samira Sedira's People Like Them through Lewis Coser's Theory 2024-07-28T09:35:55+00:00 Silviana Berly Febriani Ambar Andayani Ambar Andayani <p>This study discusses the class conflict that occurs in Samira Sedira’s People Like Them. The aim of this research is to describe the forms of class conflict and tells the factors that cause the class conflict find in the Samira Sedira’s People Like Them. The researcher chooses this novel because Sedira explores the issue of class conflict through two families who live in a village at the foot of the mountain. The researcher uses a qualitative descriptive method and a sociological approach to connect social conflict and literature. To analyze the conflict in the novel, the researcher uses Lewis Coser’s Class Conflict theory. Coser's theory emphasizes that class conflict can drive social change and maintain social structure by enabling tensions in society. The researcher finds two forms of class conflict, namely Realistic and Non-realistic conflict, and the factors that cause class conflict are Social and economic Enviousness, Cultural Differences and Assimilation, Exclusion and Racism, and the last one is Economic Injustice and Insecurity. This conflict is reflected in various aspects of their lives, including employment, housing, and daily social interactions. The study concludes that "People Like Them" not only highlights issues of class conflict in the specific context of the society depicted in the novel, but also offers broader insights into social dynamics relevant to Coser's theory of class conflict.<br>Keywords: class conflict, cause of class conflict, non-realistic conflict, realistic conflict</p> 2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Silviana Berly Febriani, Ambar Andayani, Ambar Andayani Massimo Torricelli's Obsession in Blanka Lipinska's 365 Days 2024-07-29T02:45:30+00:00 Avita Ilmi Danu Wahyono <p>The research study titled "Massimo Torricelli's Obsession in Blanka Lipinska's <em>365 Days</em>" was conducted to analyze the cause and effect of the main character's obsession in the novel. The research was motivated by the psychological theory of love and obsession proposed by Robert Stenberg, which emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy balance in relationships. The research problem focused on understanding Massimo Torricelli's obsession with Laura Biel and its implications for their relationship. A qualitative research design was used, utilizing a psychological perspective to analyze the main character's obsession. Data was collected from the novel <em>"365 Days"</em> and analyzed using Stenberg's obsession theory. Findings revealed that Massimo's obsession stems from a desire to possess and control Laura, rooted in past trauma and leading to controlling and manipulative behavior. Despite his flaws, Massimo demonstrated emotional depth and a willingness to connect with Laura on a deeper level. This study highlights the toxic dynamics in their relationship, and underscores the potential for growth and change. The implications of this study offer insight into the portrayal of love and relationships in literature as well as the importance of prioritizing healthy and balanced relationships.</p> <p><strong>Keywords : </strong><em>Control, Love, Manipulative Behavior, Relationships, Toxic Dynamics</em></p> 2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Avita Ilmi, Danu Wahyono Penggambaran Wujud dan Karakteristik Youkai dalam Manga Touhou Suichouka - Lotus Eater Karya Jun’ya Ota 2024-07-29T14:26:27+00:00 Anggra Ramadhani Endang Poerbowati <p><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">Youkai</span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17"> adalah makhluk mitologi yang berasal dari Jepang. </span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">Youkai</span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17"> memiliki berbagai macam jenisnya serta wujud dan karakteristik yang beragam. Dalam mitos dan </span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">manga</span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17">memiliki penggambaran yang sama maupun berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penggambaran wujud dan karakteristik </span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">youkai</span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17"> dalam </span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">Manga</span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">Touhou Suichouka - Lotus Eater</span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17">. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan mitopoik yaitu pendekatan yang menyangkut hal-hal mitos dan metode yang dipakai ialah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Kajian</span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17"> teori</span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17"> yang dipakai </span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17">yaitu</span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17"> teori </span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">youkai</span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17"> menurut Matthew Meyer, Michael Dylan Foster, Matt Alt dan Hiroko Yoda. Terdapat 5 data </span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">youkai</span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17">antara lain yaitu </span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">Kotengu</span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17">, </span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">Daitengu</span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17">, </span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">Oni</span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17">, </span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">Tanuki</span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17">, dan </span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">Zashiki-Warashi</span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17">. Penggambaran wujud dan karakteristik </span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">youkai</span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17"> dalam mitos cenderung lebih mengerikan dan aneh serta memiliki karakteristik yang jahat walaupun hanya ada 2 </span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">youkai</span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17"> yang berwujud lucu serta 1 </span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">youkai</span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17"> yang memiliki karakteristik baik dan suka membantu manusia. Sementara itu dalam </span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">Manga</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">Touhou Suichouka - Lotus Eater</span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17"> wujud </span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">youkai</span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17"> digambarkan cenderung lebih mirip seperti manusia namun ciri-ciri </span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">youkai</span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17"> yang terdapat dalam mitos tetap ada sedangkan karakteristik </span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">youkai</span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17"> dalam </span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">manga</span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17"> sama-sama jahat tetapi hanya ada 2 </span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">youkai</span></span><span class="s9"><span class="bumpedFont17"> yang memiliki karakteristik baik terhadap manusia.</span></span></p> 2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Anggra Ramadhani, Endang Poerbowati