Efektivitas Instagram @mangrovewonorejo sebagai Media Promosi Pariwisata di Surabaya


  • Rizky Firman Maulana
  • Noorshanti Sumarah
  • Muchamad Rizqi

Kata Kunci:

Effectiveness, tourism promotion, EffectiveInstagram @mangrovewonorejo.


The development of information and communication technology makes the tourism sector use
new media, one of which is Instagram social media as a means of tourism promotion. With the
increasing progress of tourism, it is very necessary to make good efforts to carry out a
promotion. Instagram @mangrovewonorejo which are expected to be useful promotional
media and with this media, it is hoped that various tourist destinations will attract tourists.
promoted to become a popular destination for tourists. This research was made with the title "
Effectiveness of Instagram @Mangrovewonorejo on Tourism Promotion in Surabaya". Have
a problem formulation how is the effectiveness of Instagram as a tourism promotion media in
Surabaya?. This research uses quantitative methods. The sources of data obtained through
questionnaires. And using descriptive analysis techniques. The results of the simple linear
regression test show that there is an influence between the x and y variables. based on the
calculation of the hypothesis obtained tcount greater than ttable. Then the number of tcount is
greater than ttable. It can be concluded that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means
Instagram @mangrovewonorejo is effective for tourism promotion in Surabaya.


