Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran dalam Meningkatkan Jumlah Pengiklan M Radio Surabaya


  • Tyas Irmandasari
  • A.A.I Prihandari Satvikadewi
  • Mohammad Insan Romadhan


Strategy, Marketing Communication, Radio, Advertiser


Society is very dependent on information that is easy to obtain, actual, and reliable so it is closely related to the mass media. One of the media that provides information quickly is the radio. Radio has existed for quite a long time and is still surviving today. Is a medium of information and entertainment that is closely related to advertisers. Radio must have the right marketing communication strategy in increasing the number of advertisers, researchers are interested in researching this because marketing communication strategies are an important element in maintaining their existence. Researchers want to know how the marketing communication strategy of M Radio Surabaya is increasing the number of advertisers. This research is a qualitative descriptive study so the data in this study were obtained using interview techniques, observation, and literature studies that are relevant to the object of research. Then the data obtained by the researchers was processed descriptively and qualitatively. The results of this study are M Radio Surabaya using a marketing communication strategy using Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) which includes advertising (advertising), public relations and sponsorship, personal selling, direct marketing, sales promotion, as well as interactive marketing from these elements, M Radio Surabaya can increase the number of advertisers from February 2021 to June 2021


