Personal Branding Sekar Fathiya Dalam Media Sosial Instagram


  • Noer Mala Febilla Sari
  • Mohammad Insan Romadhan
  • Teguh Priyo Sadono


Personal Branding, Instagram, Model


The rise in the use of Instagram has finally made Instagram a personal branding tool. So in this case, it becomes a new phenomenon where the use of Instagram social media is no longer only used as a medium of communication and sharing visual works, but rather use of Instagram as a more effective personal branding media. Like Sekar Fathiya who also does personal branding through his account @sekarfathiya on Instagram as a professional model. The purpose of this study is to find out how Sekar Fathiya builds personal branding as a professional hijab model on Instagram. This type of case study research was chosen to understand a model's branding practice in detail and detail. By using a qualitative descriptive approach. The informant selection technique in this study used a purposive sampling technique. In collecting data in research using observation, documentation, and interviews. The results in this study Sekar Fathiya carried out his branding as it was, whereas in this study there was a harmony between what he displayed on his Instagram account with his personal life. Overall, of the eight personal branding concepts (The Eight Laws of Personal Branding) Sekar Fathiya fulfills the characteristics of the 3 components of a personal brand and carries out the strategies in Impression Management, namely Ingratiation and Intimidation.



