Strategi Humas Polrestabes Surabaya dalam Mempertahankan Citra Positif Melalui Media Sosial Instagram Akun @Humaspolrestabessurabaya


  • Adinda Novia Nur’aini
  • Bagus Cahyo Shah Adhi Pradana
  • Lukman Hakim


Public Relations Strategy, Instagram, Polrestabes Surabaya, Positive Image


In the current era of globalization, people are used to social media, this can be a source of daily information. In addition, social media is also a platform to maintain a positive image and a medium for the promotion of certain parties. Several government agencies are currently taking advantage of it. Polrestabes Surabaya is one of the government agencies that use it. Through its public relations role, Polrestabes Surabaya has various strategies to communicate with the public efficiently. To find out the public relations strategy of the Surabaya Police in maintaining its positive image, the author uses a SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats). This research uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive research type. The primary data used in this research is in the form of information about the program activities of the Public Relations division of the Surabaya Police, through observation and interviews. The results of this study are public information by conveying positive news, as well as synergizing in providing credible and transparent information to the public through Instagram to maintain a positive image of Polrestabes Surabaya.


