Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Digital Kalih Kitha Wedding Organizer dalam Membangun Brand Awareness melalui Media Instagram


  • Yanuar Arifin
  • Mohammad Insan Romadhan
  • Bagus Cahyo Shah Adhi Pradana


Marketing communication, Brand Awareness, Instagram, Kalih Kitha wedding organizer


This study, researcher used Kalih Kitha wedding organizer as the object of research with a focus on public awareness about a brand called brand awareness through marketing communication strategies carried out by Kalih Kitha wedding organizer. Instagram is the most influential media that easier to reaches by the public by presenting interesting content in the form of quality photos and videos with the purposed of getting interaction from the community. This study aims to gain a practical and theoretical understanding of marketing communication strategies developed through brand awareness in selling services, especially wedding organizers, by testing the theory of promotion mix from Belch and Belch which consists of advertising, direct marketing, digital / interactive marketing, sales promotion, publicity / public relations, and personal selling. The researcher applies a qualitative descriptive method through case studies with data collection techniques in the form of observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate the implementation of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) using new media, such as Instagram. By social media Instagram can easily interact actively with followers or audiences to be able to promote Kalih Kitha, therefore it will be known by the public.


