Rancang Bangun Mobile Game Mini Race Menggunakan Unity


  • M Firdaus Syauqy Teknik Informatika Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
  • Aidil Primasetya Armin Teknik Informatika Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya


Game 3D, Non - Player Character, Navigasi Waypoint, Unity 3D


Mini Race is a race-themed game or usually called a race. Racing games require precision and accuracy when controlling objects quickly to the finish line. It's less interesting if in the racing game there is no non-player character (NPC), to run the NPC a method is needed to move from one position to the next until it's finished, the method is called waypoint navigation. The working method uses the Game Development Life Cycle (GDLC), the stages of work using the Game Development Life Cycle method are very helpful in designing a game, if you choose the wrong method it will take a long time in game development. In knowing the feasibility of this game using the System Usability Scale (SUS) method, the results obtained are worth 68 if it is said to be in Acceptable then it is classified as Good. In addition to feasibility, there is also performance testing obtained in the game, the main menu test shows an average frame rate of around 36 with a total CPU of 12.27%, a road test 1 with results below the average racing game which is around 9 frame rates with a total CPU of 12.64%, road test 2 shows better results and is more usable playing with an average framerate of 18.66 with a total CPU usage of 16.96.
Keywords: Game 3D, Non-Player Character, Navigasi Waypoint, Unity 3D


