Creativity and Competence Immigration Policy and its Influence on Employee Performance Tanjung Perak Immigration Office


  • Rohandi Manumpak Tua Hamonangan Department, University of August 1945 Surabaya, Indonesia


Policy, Creativity, Competence, Performance


Phenomenon The process of applying government policies, creativity and competence of employee is still an issue today because it is associated with the level of employee performance that is not yet optimal, the lack of creativity and work competence of some of the employee is still low which has an impact on the performance of employee which is fluctuating. This study aims to determine and analyze Immigration Policy, Creativity, Work Competence and Their Influence on the Performance of employee Immigration Office Tanjung Perak. The population is employee Immigration Office Tanjung Perak totaling 100 people and sampling technique using survey method or saturated sample. Using a questionnaire to collect primary data after being tested for validity and reliability. Multiple linear regression analysis tool with SPSS Version 25 program followed by classical assumption test. The results of the hypothesis test show that the Immigration Policy has a positive and significant effect on the performance of employee. Creativity and work competence have a positive and significant effect on the performance of employee at the Tanjung Perak Immigration Office. The findings in this study are that applying government policies for employee in charge of serving the community is first provided with briefing so that employee can provide excellent service. In addition, gradually employee is given training in an effort to increase the creativity and competence of employee in charge of serving the community in the field of immigration to improve employee performance.




How to Cite

Hamonangan, R. M. T. . (2022). Creativity and Competence Immigration Policy and its Influence on Employee Performance Tanjung Perak Immigration Office. International Conference On Economics Business Management And Accounting (ICOEMA), 1, 283-300. Retrieved from


