
  • Tri Budhi Susilowati Social science and political science faculty, 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya University
  • Rudi handoko Social science and political science faculty, 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya University
  • Bambang Kusbandrijo Social science and political science faculty, 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya University

Kata Kunci:

Evaluation, Quality, School


Quality assurance of national education is carried out to educate the nation's life and shape the character and civilization of a dignified nation through the SNP. The principle is to encourage managers, administrators, and education units to improve their performance in providing quality educational services and software to encourage transparency and public accountability. In its implementation, education quality assurance policies must adapt to changes and developments in science and technology and rapid global dynamics. The quality of Indonesian education has not been as expected. Accreditation to BAN-S/M, the development of school quality has not shown an encouraging development in the quality of education. The factor is not that the SNP is of low quality but that the fulfillment and implementation of the SNP have not been running optimally. The objective of this research is to: 1) Describe and analyze the evaluation of quality assurance policies for primary school education in Ponorogo; 2) Examine the factors that encourage and obstruct education quality assurance.; 3) look at the quality and functional education quality assurance model. This research uses a qualitative descriptive research method. The data analysis technique used was evaluation. Data were analyzed interactively. Single Program Before After evaluation model with the type of ongoing evaluation (ongoing/concurrent evaluation) carried out when the program is implemented. The criteria for evaluating public policies used are effectiveness, efficiency, evaluation, equity, responsiveness, and accuracy. The results of the study: 1) The quality assurance of elementary school education in Ponorogo has not reached the SNP because there is a reduction in information in the SPMI induction system through the school model. 2) The implementation of education quality assurance in all elementary schools, the commitment to achieve the SNP, and the availability of data-based documents, are supporting factors for quality assurance. The occurrence of a reduction in information has an impact on the availability and ability of resources, quality audits have not worked according to their duties and functions, not all schools have used education quality reports in the preparation of school work plans, and assistance from school supervisors is less than optimal; 3) The education quality assurance model needs to be emphasized on the Span of Control, namely direct subordinates can be led and controlled effectively by a manager, because of human limitations, namely limited time, knowledge, abilities, and attention.



